Saturday, February 9, 2013

A bit of Venice by Margot Justes

I’m immersed in Venice. My current work in progress (WIP) is set there. Memories of my trip are flooding back, and I’ll return this October for a refresher course.

 Venice is mystical, its magic powerful, and just walking along the narrow ancient streets allows your imagination to soar. The eerily lit side streets, the reflecting glow in the canals and ancient brick walls, summon you forth. You cross an old bridge and you wonder who else walked along the same path.

Was it Don Juan? His face covered by a mask as he celebrated Carnivale, and waited for a damsel. Such is the evocative power of Venice. Steeped in history and romance, the stunning architecture,  the art, and the beautiful tranquil canals, all pull together to form this magical place called Venice.

The Grand Canal flows majestically, along the way, palaces and homes seem to float in the water, as the famous Rialto Bridge stands guard. It’s an evocative place to be sure. It’s a place where you can get lost in the history, go back in time, daydream, and imagine as things were, and still come back to the present and enjoy delicious coffee, black pasta and incomparable gelato.

 If you like glass, Venice offers that too, many buildings and hotels show proudly their Murano masterpieces. If you want to see for yourself, visit a furnace, or a gallery,  Murano is thirty minutes away by vaporetto. A beautiful way to travel on the Grand Canal.

 I’m looking forward to my return trip to a mysterious and magnificent city.

Margot  Justes
A Hotel in Paris
A Hotel in Bath
Hearts & Daggers
Hot Crimes Cool Chicks


Debra St. John said...

Italy is on my list of places to visit 'someday'. Venice would be a top choice for part of that trip.

How fun to be able to travel to a wonderful place AND call it all in the name of research!

Margot Justes said...

I do what I can to promote research. Venice is truly magical.

Deb Larson said...

It does sound magical. It's on my wish list too! someday ...
DL Larson

Margot Justes said...

Thank you for reading the blog.
Those sound like wonderful trips.
I love the UK too, absolutely fell in love with Bath. Ireland and Scoltland are on my bucket list in the near future.
Enjoy your travels.