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Morgan Mandel |
Some things I do know -
After you join, First, you get a bunch of Boards. You can rename them what you want, but be sure to classify them, so people looking for pictures in certain subjects will see yours.
To put stuff on the Boards, you can type in urls for your own blog or website and pictures will come up, from which to choose. Make sure you have the rights to what you want to share. You can Pin pics onto your own Boards, and somehow people might notice where to go and decide to go there, although many just like looking at the pretty pics and do Likes or Repins onto their own Boards. What's cool is your Boards can also show up on Google searches. There's a space under your pics for comments, which you or someone else can make. I haven't done too many, but probably should start doing so.
Somehow once I joined Pinterest, emails started coming in with people following my Boards, or Liking my pins, or Repinning my Pins. When I get one from someone I'm not following yet, I click the email to follow that person.
If you choose to do so, you can sign in with Facebook or Twitter and specify that your pins show up on those sites as well.
There are other possibilities, which I have yet to figure out, such as using hashtags (#) or @ like in Twitter. I'm not sure how that works, but maybe someone reading this will enlighten all of us on how that works.
Here's my Pinterest Page, if anyone wants to follow me. Those who already belong, if you wish to mention yours, please do so in the comment section here.
I had to receive an invitation to join Pinterest. I'm not sure if that still holds true, but if you have trouble joining, send me an email at morgan@ morganmandel.com with Pinterest in the subject line and ask for one. I'll be glad to send one off to you.

There's even an app for the iPhone, so you can play on there when you get bored. Pinterest has possibilities, but more than that, it can be relaxing and less stressful than weeding through some of the comments that can crop up on FB and Twitter. I recommend you give it a try.
Hi Morgan, It's too difficult and time consuming for me. I may revisit at a later time. Anyway, I twitted your blog.
Thanks, Mona. I do it so far for relaxationm and haven't explored all the angles. I just love the pretty pics.
There's also an app for Pinning quotes (called, logically enough, Pinquote). You can probably find this via Google--I can't remember the URL.
I've actually been trying to sign up for Pinterest, but I can get in. Sigh!
I'm still in the "trying to decide" camp. Not sure I need one more thing to do that keeps me from writing.
I'm playing with it. Mine is quite personal, things I enjoy, but I've seen some librarians who are even using it to show ARCs they've received and read. And, from what I've seen, decorating businesses love it - visual. We'll have to see what kind of practical uses it has.
I don't plan to join for the moment. Too much on my plate with my two websites, two blogs and facebook and twitter.
Everyone seems to be talking about Pinterest, but I keep wanting to go hide under a rock. Another thing to try to keep up with!
I pop on a few times a day. I've learned to be picky about which boards I follow: If I'm getting too many pictures of people's fashion outfits or zombies or whatever, I can click on the name of that board and unfollow it.
Pinterest is a feast for the eyes, and I often see people or settings or [fill in the blank] I can pin to a board for one of my books or projects.
I try to put pictures in my posts now, so they're pinnable. So far, I haven't seen any of my blog posts pinned by anyone other than myself, but I live in hope!
Marian Allen
Fantasies, mysteries, comedies, recipes
Oh my, Morgan, how do you do it?? Pinterest sounds fascinating, but I'm already completely behind on Google +. I just can't keep up! Thanks for the tips--I hope to get there one of these days (months)...
It is quite addictive. I find many diy project ideas, party ideas, and lots of new recipes. Then of course I share my author interviews and guest posts amongst other things I might find.
My pinterest boards are at pinterest.com/Farrah1230
I avoided Facebook for a long time because I figured once I finally jumped in, something new would come along and I'd have to start the learning curve over. This may be it! Thanks for explaining it to us...
If you aren’t familiar with Pinterest, it’s a website that lets users organize and share images found on the web, from other Pinterest users, or that they uploaded. Pinterest is now the third most popular social network on the web, behind Facebook and Twitter.
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