Bring her mother home where she belongs.
Show her neighbors, Will and Sully Garret, she’s not interested in a serious relationship with either of them.
Prove to the Garrets, and to herself, that Rick, the cute college guy, is a gentleman.
Nothing turns out the way Rebel plans, however, and she discovers that people are not always what they seem, and she’s a lousy judge of character. If only humans were as trustworthy and dependable as her puppies, cat, and horses. Can she forgive everyone who has disappointed her?

Here's what Beverly Has to Say:
Why I Write for Young Adult Readers
Ah, the teenage years that many of us remember so fondly: carefree days, few responsibilities (mostly homework and perhaps a babysitting job), staying up late on weekends with friends, football games, movies with our boyfriends. Those years leave lasting impressions on us, though we may not realize it at the time. But wait. Were those years really as good as we believe they were?
I look back now and see the reality. When I was living those years they were a totally different story. I remember wearing homemade dresses while the other girls wore the latest styles of store bought clothes. Memories of being nearsighted and wearing cat-eye glasses that made my eyes as tiny as peanuts rush back. I envied the pretty, popular girls who were the cheerleaders, class favorites, and class beauties.
Saturdays were not all fun times spent with friends. They often were traumatic as I haunted the phone hoping for a call from my crush when he was out crushing on someone else, unaware of my feelings for him because I was too shy to tell him. My first kiss was my first love, my knight in shining armor who ended up breaking my heart when he dumped me for another girl.
We survived those teenage angst years, but at the time we’d swear our lives were over. No one could convince us we’d look back someday and laugh and realize life was pretty good after all. Never tell a teen these are the best years of her life. She won’t believe you, especially if her best friend has suddenly found another best friend and they don’t invite her for a sleepover at their houses.
Teens today, even with their iPods and cell phones and MP3 players, have the same emotions, the same fears and joys, as generations of teens before them. They face the same uncertainties in their lives and perhaps even more challenges in today’s fast-paced society.
Many of the stories I write deal with real life situations teens face, even tough subjects sometimes. For example, in my recent novel, Rebel in Blue Jeans, Rebel’s mother and father separate and are talking divorce. Rebel feels guilty and wonders if she could have prevented their separation had she been a better daughter. She’s also torn between her parents, loving them both. Changing friendships and first love add to Rebel’s troubles. She deals with each situation in her own unique way: anger, confusion, and sometimes humor.
If my novels can give young readers hope in situations where they have little or no control, then I’ve accomplished my goal. And that’s the reason I write for teens.
# # #
Find Beverly Stowe McClure at http://beverlystowemcclure.wordpress.com/
http://beverlystowemcclure.blogspot.com/ and http://rebelinbluejeans.wordpress.com/
Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/Rebel-Jeans-Beverly-Stowe-McClure/dp/193335349X/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1231168529&sr=8-1
Ah, the teenage years that many of us remember so fondly: carefree days, few responsibilities (mostly homework and perhaps a babysitting job), staying up late on weekends with friends, football games, movies with our boyfriends. Those years leave lasting impressions on us, though we may not realize it at the time. But wait. Were those years really as good as we believe they were?
I look back now and see the reality. When I was living those years they were a totally different story. I remember wearing homemade dresses while the other girls wore the latest styles of store bought clothes. Memories of being nearsighted and wearing cat-eye glasses that made my eyes as tiny as peanuts rush back. I envied the pretty, popular girls who were the cheerleaders, class favorites, and class beauties.
Saturdays were not all fun times spent with friends. They often were traumatic as I haunted the phone hoping for a call from my crush when he was out crushing on someone else, unaware of my feelings for him because I was too shy to tell him. My first kiss was my first love, my knight in shining armor who ended up breaking my heart when he dumped me for another girl.
We survived those teenage angst years, but at the time we’d swear our lives were over. No one could convince us we’d look back someday and laugh and realize life was pretty good after all. Never tell a teen these are the best years of her life. She won’t believe you, especially if her best friend has suddenly found another best friend and they don’t invite her for a sleepover at their houses.
Teens today, even with their iPods and cell phones and MP3 players, have the same emotions, the same fears and joys, as generations of teens before them. They face the same uncertainties in their lives and perhaps even more challenges in today’s fast-paced society.
Many of the stories I write deal with real life situations teens face, even tough subjects sometimes. For example, in my recent novel, Rebel in Blue Jeans, Rebel’s mother and father separate and are talking divorce. Rebel feels guilty and wonders if she could have prevented their separation had she been a better daughter. She’s also torn between her parents, loving them both. Changing friendships and first love add to Rebel’s troubles. She deals with each situation in her own unique way: anger, confusion, and sometimes humor.
If my novels can give young readers hope in situations where they have little or no control, then I’ve accomplished my goal. And that’s the reason I write for teens.
# # #
Find Beverly Stowe McClure at http://beverlystowemcclure.wordpress.com/
http://beverlystowemcclure.blogspot.com/ and http://rebelinbluejeans.wordpress.com/
Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/Rebel-Jeans-Beverly-Stowe-McClure/dp/193335349X/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1231168529&sr=8-1
Please make Beverly feel welcome by leaving a comment
Good morning, authors,
Thank you for hosting us on our Virtual Book Tour. Your blog has some very interesting articles and thoughts. We've enjoyed reading them.
Have a good day.
Beverly and Rebel
Welcome to Acme Authors Link, Beverly. I hope you have a great time here.
Morgan Mandel
Thanks for hosting Beverly today. I've read this book and definitely recommend it. I believe many kids of separated parents go through the same emotions that Rebel does and it's nice to see how Rebel's thoughts about the whole thing change.
Wonderful to hear from Beverly. Thanks.
Hi Beverly and welcome!
As a fellow YA author, I can totally relate. So many things are different in the world today then when we were teens, but on the other hand somethings never change.
When I write something for YA's I feel that if it can relate to one person, let them know that they are normal...then I know my job is done!
Thanks for being here today!
What a fantastic welcome. Thank you, Morgan, Shari, and June.
And of course, Cheryl, my ever suppportive friend.
Ya'll are great. Yep, I'm a Texan.
and Rebel
Sounds like a very good book dealing with issues faced by many YA's. Good luck to you, Beverly and Rebel.
Your book sounds wonderful! Rock stars AND cowboys...I'm totally on board! Thanks for visiting today.
This book has contemporary issues with characters easy to identify with, and you're right - it definitely shows hope in a situation that can be very overwhelming. I definitely recommend it! Great job!
~NA Sharpe
Thanks for the good luck wishes, Sharon. I appreciate them.
Thank you for letting me visit today, Debra.
Nancy, thanks for your loyal support and the recommendation.
and Rebel
Sounds like a book I might be interested in reading myself!
I just might..:)
I'll tell you a little secret, Nocturnal. My former students (grown up), fellow bloggers, and the ladies in my Sunday school class are reading it and saying they really, really like it. So it's not just for teens, but for all ages.
You're so right, Beverly! Memories of my teenaged years are bittersweet.
I hope your tour is going well. Your book sounds like a great read.
Hi Bev-
I am at the part where Rebel is going to go out with Rick even though he might be a bad deal. It was funny though, one of my son's has tattoos and he is as straight-laced as they come.
I love Will and Sully and what good friends they are to Reb.
I'm having a great time, Mayra. That's what it's all about.
It is funny, Jennifer. All three of my sons have tattoos, and they're good guys. Just goes to show we shouldn't judge a person by the outward appearance.
Thanks, Mayra and Jennifer for stopping by.
Welcome to Acme and thank you for being here.
Margot Justes
A Hotel in Paris
Hi, Margot.
It's been great. I appreciate your letting me visit.
Hi Beverly,
We all had a great time hosting you. Thanks again for spending some time with us today.
Morgan Mandel
It was my pleasure. :o)
Writing for the youth market must be very satisfying. My own work is always too dark. Although I did entertain thoughts of spinning my elfin boy Kave off into his own series. My idea was to have him get hooked on old Bogie detective movies like the Maltese Falcon, move to LA and open up a detective agency- Elf for hire. Who Knows?
I'm new to this blog and found it very interesting. Thanks for the heads up, Bev. I'm enjoying the tour!
A bit late but wanted to say that I absolutely love Beverly's writing voice. Kudos and here's to a successful 2009.
Yes, elliott, I do enjoy writing for teens and tweens. Maybe I never grew up. :)
Thanks, norma, for following along. Nice to see you again.
Wow, Lea! Coming from you that's quite a compliment. Thank you.
I'm having a great time, all.
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