Get writing, networking, and everyday tips from the Masters -Debra St. John, Christine Verstraete, Morgan Mandel, DL Larson, Terri Stone, Margot Justes and Rob Walker.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Royal Crescent by Margot Justes
As a heroine would say, it is beautifully situated.
Some suites are named after literary figures, the Sir Percy Blakeney Suite named after The Scarlet Pimparnel, one of my favorite novels, if you haven’t read it-please do, written by Baroness Orczy, it is the ultimate swashbuckling, romantic adventure, set during the French Revolution. As the story goes, after his adventures, Sir Percy moved to Bath and lived at number 16 Royal Crescent.
The street curves along the crescent and below, a green carpet of lush grass separated by a ha-ha. What is a ha-ha you say, well a cleverly designed wall that is invisible from the curved path and the upper part of the grassy knoll. Since the area served as a promenade to see and be seen, the ha-ha separated the ton-the socially elite- from mere mortals, peasants, along with sheep, cows and whatever critters lived below.
Number 1 Royal Crescent is a renowned museum that perfectly depicts the affluent Georgian lifestyle; fully restored it is owned by the Bath Preservation Trust, and truly well worth a visit.
Walking up a slight incline on Brock Street the panoramic view of the Crescent is truly breathtaking, and writing these travelogues has been enormously difficult, because what I want to do is hop on a plane, spend some more time in Bath, instead, I’ll re-read the Scarlet Pimpernel-it has been a while since I’ve read it.
Till next Time,
Margot Justes
A Hotel in Paris ISBN 978-1-59080-534-3
Art brought her to Paris, then a stranger’s death changes her life.
Missing ISBN 978-1-59080-611 1- February 2009
available on
Friday, January 30, 2009
What Shape's Your Dialogue In? By Robert W. Walker
To that end your characters must not sound so much alike, as if they had all gone to the same finishing school (gramatically spot on, Reginald) or likewise all sound as if they have had the same street jibe crammd into their heads so that only THEY know what is being said to one another. Being a book doctor, I have seen it both ways.
A play wherein only one character speaks my language while all the others speak in such "jive talk" as to make no sense to the general reader. A novel in which each character speaks in exacting gramatical certitude.It does not work.
Every character should have some quirks of a verbal nature. You don't want all your main characters walking alike so why are they all talking alike? They don't all come from the same Stanford or Harvard background, do they?
Some don't give a blankety-blank what comes out of their mouths, while others are guarded, and a man of few words is quite the opposite of a verbose fellow. Sometimes an overweight person talks overly, sometimes just the opposite. Character is built into language patterns. Work hard to both see and hear the language of each character. Let him or her tell you how they talk.
Don't force your patterns onto your creations. A guy working the back of a trash truck is gonna talk some funny way different from the professor or the cemetery administrator, but the grave digger and the trash-man might very well speak the same "language" to one another as the prof might to the administrator.
Key into the sound of the bell being rung by one character as opposed to the sound of the bell rung by the other guy. Take in their psychology, their history, their upbrininging and station in life.
It all comes through in the the dialogue. "I believe it is coming on a storm," Hector, the professor said to Elaine.
"Comin' up a storm, eh what?" asked Liam, the caretaker to Elaine.
"I quite agree," replied Elaine in both instances, but she might give Hector a look, whereas she keeps her eyes to herself with Liam.
For more on dialogue dig through the archives of ACME and you will be surprised to see that the topic has come up before, and there are many examples in the archives here.
Happy Writing one and all,
Rob Walker
Thursday, January 29, 2009
What A Vision! by DL Larson
The experience is awe inspiring, the view spectacular, but what really captured my heart was the history behind building this architectural titan. Electrical engineer Francis F. Crocker had a vision to build a tram straight up the mountain. The year was 1935. Newspapers quickly nicknamed the idea as Crocker's Folly. World War II shelved the plan, then the Korean War stole his dream once more. Finaly in 1960 Crocker approached the California governor Earl Warren for permission to resume. No government money was used in building the towers, and Crocker hired the best engineers in the world, many from Switzerland who were already familiar with the many obstacles in facing such a task as building into a mountain. The use of helicopters took much of the equipment up the mountain. The winds alone would have had me thinking twice on taking that kind of ride.
In 1963, the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway opened. It's been called the Eighth Wonder of the World. In 2001 the orginal cars were replaced by cars with rotating floors. Let me tell you, the panoramic view is so cool, and the dip and sway when passing through the towers is better than a Disney ride!
As I viewed the valley, then the boulders and crevices along the trams path, I marvelled that someone would hang on to a dream for over thirty years. Mr. Crocker never let go of his dream. He faced untold obstacles, yet his focus is to be commended. So the next time I get a little down in the mouth with my writing career, thinking I'll never finish what I started, never make it big, never get the satisfaction I'm seeking ... you know what I'm talking about... Well, I will remember my tramride, I will remember the fortitude it took for Mr. Crocker to see his dream become a reality. So I will hang on. I firmly believe the journey is just as important as the vision!
Til next time ~
DL Larson
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Social Networks
Another place I like to visit is MySpace, where I can make friends with not only book people, but those from all walks of life. I often take advantage of their bulletin boards to tell friends what's happening in my world.
I stop off at Facebook, Bebo and GoodReads, but not as often because of time constraints.
The network I do visit many times each day is Twitter. That's because it's so simple. It's fast and easy and contains no ads. I can get in, post a message about my latest blog, and get out of there knowing anyone who is following me can see my message.
By the way, if you click any of the links above, you can join me on these networks.
What about you? What are your favorite social networks? Is there one you use more than the others? Why? Please share.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
When Love is Murder
Being a board memeber is rather interesting and exiciting. Long before I became a member of the LIM board, I of course like many others attended lots of writers conferences/conventions (LIM inlcuded) and from that perspective I often thought and questioned why certain Cons ran things the way they did. Regardless of how a Con is run let me tell everyone that these endeavors are a bucket (I really want to say *#@!) load of work. Now it's not that we don't love to have suggestions to improve and enhance on what we do because believe me we do. BUT it's important that everyone undersand just how much thought and effort goes into a Con even if everything doesn't go they way they want it to.
A recent article from the Romance Writers of America National Organization laid this out quite well explaining all the planning effort invovled in one of these events from finding a hotel to accomodate the Con and the attendees at the most reasonable price possible without detracting from the Con itself, to making the cost of the Con such that the right talent is attracted as headliners and agents and publishers so that the attendees get what they want out of the Con. In other words it ain't as easy at it looks.
The questions that each attendee has to ask him/herself of attending any Con are as follows:
- what will attending this particular Con provide for him/her such a face-to-face meetings with agents, editors, publishers, & librarians (LIM has that)
- meeting top notch writers for both readers and writers (LIM has that)
- networking with other readers/writers as well as the agents, editors, publishers and librarians (LIM has that)
- having a bunch of fun socializing with all of the above (LIM has that)
- and so much more.
So, join us at Love is Murder in 2009 and become part of the coolest crime scene that happens every winter in the Chicago area!
For more information go to
See ya there!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Introducing ... FangPlace! Woo! Yay!
More weird stuff, with an emphasis on the Undead ... er, teens.
Anyway, someone I know and very much respect (really, really respect) touched on something that reminded me of a post I'd done once before. I want to repeat it because, well, I'm getting old and you repeat things when you get old.
Here goes:
Guess what time it is? Time to vent again! Yaaaayyy!!!!! Wheeeee!!!!
And can you guess what it’s going to be about this time?
I thought not.
Even I, myself, am not too sure.
Ha! I lied. But the sentence above should have given you a hint. And I’m sure those of you with bumpy brains not only figured what it meant, but also figured out what I was going to say. Which is pretty darned good, considering I don’t know, myself.
Look! There was another hint! Did you get it this time?
Okay, okay, I’ll get to the point.
Michael Jordan, you know him? Bald guy? Bad knees?
Anyway, Michael Jordan was interviewed once, and he said something along the lines of, “The other guys and myself really beat the pants off of Detroit.”
Now do you get it?
That’s right, the word ‘myself.’ The most abused word in the English language besides ‘excuse me.’
Yeah, I know, ‘excuse me’ are two words. And they’re abused for opposite reasons. “Excuse me” should be said more often, and ‘myself’ should be used less often.
Back to Jordan. And we don’t mean that place out by Syria. What His Airness should have said is, “The other guys and I really beat the pants off of Detroit.” Not myself.
Way too many people are using the word ‘myself’ instead of ‘I.’ And worse, it’s people who should know better. Radio personalities, government officials, even teachers! These people should know better!
Not only that, but because they are getting radio and television time, their mistakes are being broadcast to a large audience, who all think to themselves, “Hmmm, Michael said, ‘the other guys and myself.’ He’s a Floydillionaire (a really big number), and a graduate of the University of North Carolina. He must be using the word correctly.”
Then, at work, they all say, “The rest of the staff and myself are going out for lunch.” And head off to go buy Mc-Whoppers.
I realize that this is way better than saying, “Me and the rest of the staff are going out for lunch.” Of course, these are both wrong, even if you switch the ‘me’ or the ‘myself’ with ‘the rest of the staff.’ Either way you put it, it has to be ‘eye.’ Er, ‘I.’
Aaaarggghhhh. It drives myself crazy!
check out my books!! no, don't check them out ... buy them! read excerpts on my website
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I know that sounds backwards and crazy and insane, but for me, it's true.
If I have a lot of time on my hands, I tend to get bored, lazy, and unmotivated. In the back of my mind I'll keeping thinking, "Oh, I don't have to do that now. I have plenty of time." And then of course, it never gets done.
I do better if my schedule is busy. Packed tight even. I guess then I'm forced to take a look at everything I need to accomplish and find a way to get it done.
When I look in my planner and see a week full of meetings, and practices, and appointments, and various other commitments, the first thing I do is groan and say, "Gosh, this is going to be a busy week." But by the end of the week, after I've crossed things off as I go, I have a fabulous sense of accomplishment. Then I can sit back and feel good about myself and what I did.
On a week that looks empty and stretches out with lots of free time on the horizon, inevitably I look back at the end of it and go, "So, what did I do with my time this week?" And I usually have nothing to show for it.
Strange, isn't it?
I'm having this sort of dilemma right now. I am in the process of revising (to the tune of adding 15,000 words) my manuscript for "Wild Wedding Weekend". It's coming along. But slowly. Oh so slowly.
Maybe I've had too much "free" time lately. (Is there such a thing?) But the good news is that looking at the week ahead, I have something going on every night of the week.
How much do you want to bet I get some quality writing done, too?!
Until next time,
Happy Reading!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
More Bath by Margot Justes
As promised, there is more. Right next door to the Roman Baths Museum is the Pump Room, and what a room it is. It was the center of the ton-the social glittery whirl of the best English society-since 1706. It is, for lack of a better explanation a tea room, albeit very grand, it is still a tea room and to this day the wait staff will greet you in appropriate period garb and serve you tea, scones, Bath buns and much more. The room is truly magnificent, huge and elaborate with daunting chandeliers hanging from the very high ceilings above you.
If that is not enough, you may be entertained by the Pump Room Trio, the oldest musical ensemble in the country. The tradition of the music has continued through the ages, so while sipping your delicious tea and munching on the scone covered with clotted cream and strawberry jam, you may feel you have traveled back in time and Jane Austen is sitting at the next table, maybe even James Boswell, or the many other great literary figures over the centuries.
On one side of the room there is a fountain that still to this day spouts the sulphurous water and for a fee you can sample its unique warm taste, unique as in really bad. The fountain standing on a pediment with an inscription that reads ‘Water is Best’ is still a popular stop by visitors, before or after the elegantly served tea. It was considered a very healthy drink, and people would come to Bath ‘to take the waters’.
The Pump Room is a stop not be missed in a town that has been designated a World Heritage Site in 1987.
More Bath next week, yes of course there is more, but I’ll cover just the ‘must see’ the rest you will have to discover for yourself and maybe buy A Hotel in Bath when it comes out, but first I have to finish it.
One more thing, when I’m done with Bath, guess what, I’ll write a bit about Paris. Well, after all it is the very early beginning of the travel planning season, I probably should have started in Paris first, but my center of concentration at the moment has been on Bath.
Till next Time,
Margot Justes
A Hotel in Paris ISBN 978-1-59080-534-3
Art brought her to Paris, then a stranger’s death changes her life.
Missing ISBN 978-1-59080-611 1- coming February 2009
available on
Friday, January 23, 2009
Hope? Even for a Novelist...ahh Skeptic? by Robert W.Walker
Sometime back before the OJ Simposon trial of the Century as they called it, OJ's first brush with the law--I felt that the verditct and the trial itself tore asunder what progress we in America had been forging in race relations; I meant it ripped it right up and I felt set race relations back by at least forty or fifty years -- right down the toilet. No matter where you stood on the outcome or the verdict, you could not ignore the poor result for the "fabric" of our society during that time.
As I watched the new president's Inagural speech, and as I watched the amazing crowd, not only for its size but for its sense of respect for the occasion and one another (I understand not one crime or fistfight broke out), I was struck by the atmosphere of comraderie and caring that people exhibited. Mr. Obabma's words were inspiring but so was the sight -- spectacle -- of so many people on the Capitol Mall in good spirits and filled with a sense of hope and purpose amid so much to be depressed about! Years ago my son naively said to me that one day all mankind would reach a "state of grace" with one another where differences would be celebrated and honored; where sexual orientation, color of skin, religion, alllllll of it would be celebrated and approved by all as proper and all right, and that you don't have any reason for the kidns of awful divisions among us that create war and pestilence and ignorance and disease and all the suffering that comes with the kind of thinking that is wrapped in hatred for hatred's sake.
I quietly kept my laughter to myself about my son's naive dream of such a day. I did tell him that ignorance would always be with us, fear would always reside within us, because while there is evolution there is also what appears to be de-evolution, which we see every day in the news coming out of every part of the world. Sadly, I see it at the local grocery store where I live as well; it doesn't just appear out of the Middle East or the Gaza Strip or North Korea.
It can come from down the street where an 8 year old shoots his 2 year old brother with a huge shotgun in the home, one that was hidden under a mattress and unloaded in a home not fit for a dog to live in given the conditions. Mom and Dad went out to buy cigarettes, left kids in hands of grandpa. Result 2 year old is dead. Family services now take a thrid child out of the home and the shooter is in custody.
Sadly this scene is not rare in American life. Ignorance, stupidity, injustice, prejudice are all my enemy and as a writer these are the walls I want to tear down, Mr. Obama. It was wonderful to see the kind of hope and unconditional trust so many Americans placed in our president just the other day, and maybe my son is right--that the real design is for all mankind to one day appeal to one another on the basis that we are all worthy of one another's hand and heart.
I remain skeptical because, after all, I am a writer and have read too much history of crime and found that the history of mankind is a crime in and of itself. However, we all of us need hope and we want it, even the skeptics among us.
Shalom and Happy Writing my Brother & Sister Writers
Rob Walker - free eARC of DEAD ON awaits you at
meet me on MySpace!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Getting to Know Me! by DL Larson
Midwest Book Reviews
Shirley Johnson, Senior Reviewer
author of Memories Trail
I really enjoyed DL's work Memories Trail and wanted to know more about this author. I know you will enjoy this interview, let's begin.
SPJ: Would you please tell us, what made you decide to write this book?
DL: I've always been interested in history, more importantly the conflict people faced in colonial/frontier times. Discovering what was here long ago in the midwest fascinated me, especially all the Indian names we use intrigued me to learn more about the many Indian nations that claimed this land as home. When the movie, Last of the Mochicans (based on James Fenimore Cooper's classic) came out in 1992, I felt as if that was the prequel to my book. My manuscript was already written at that time and I thought for sure my novel would get published immediately.
SPJ: What, if any reaction did you receive after your decision to write this book?
DL: Even though my family didn't know specifically what I was writing, they thought the era was interesting. My husband especially liked the concept of my characters being dropped into such a unique time in history.
SPJ: In your writing you put a lot of heart, and I like that. How did you come up with the storyline?
DL: I'm a firm believer in character driven stories. Conflict forces a character to grow or wilt. I wanted my characters to face the serious problems folks have dealt with since the beginning of time and continue to struggle with. I wanted my characters to feel at every level, personal, social as well as political and religious. As for the storyline... this may sound a bit offbeat, but it simply came to me, perhaps because I've been so interested in the past and Indian culture in particular. An old Indian legend says 'that a story will seek a writer and if that writer is found worthy, the story will rest upon the writer's heart. The writer's gift is to give that story life.' And hopefully I have done that with Memories Trail.
SPJ: I love that legend DL, thanks for sharing it. Did you base your characters on real life people? You certainly did a great job in your character development, tell us about it please.
DL: The Indian characters - Tecumseh, Tenskwatawa and Tecumapese are real figures in our history. I did extensive research on each of these characters to find the 'human' side of each. I'm a stickler for creating minor characters as real as possible. I feel it enhances the quality of the story.
The main characters Will, Elizabeth and Devon are fiction. I've done some family genealogy on my mother's family, and the names of Will and Elizabeth were born from that research. As for the development of characters, I poke and prod until I feel I have a 'real' person. Then I treat them as such, by becoming them, thinking as they would, and trying to convey their emotions on paper.
SPJ: You did an outstanding job and it glows throughout your work. How did you chose the location? And did you have to research for your book?
DL: First, the research was done long before the world wide web was a household item. I traveled to many libraries, wrote notes, and notes, and more notes, because many of the books were not available for photo copying. The work was rather tedious but I found it fascinating. Once I realized my time frame, I knew my characters had to live a distance from the real action of the battles yet still find a second Indian tribe that knew about Tecumseh and his calling, but didn't join in for excusable reasons. I really thought that would be an impossible task, but Divine Intervention led me to the Louisiana Territory and behold - there was documentation on the Pawnee not wanting to join Tecumseh even though they had great respect for the Shawnee warrior. And so my locations were found and the setting established.
SPJ: That is really interesting. Tell us, how long did it take you to complete your book?
DL: I worked diligently for two years on this book. I actually wrote it about 15 years ago, and when I searched for a publisher - I kept coming up empty handed. So I set it aside and started writing another book. The next one a family saga, next generation sort of thing to Memories Trail. I have continued with that family up and through the Civil War.
SPJ: What was the most difficult part in writing your work?
DL: The most difficult part of writing was following up on documentation to be sure my characters were where history said they were at that time. Many times I had to stop and dig back to be sure Tecumseh had been where I wanted him to be in my book. I plowed through my notes and other documents till I could verify that he had indeed been where I placed him. What was intriguing was he was always where I needed him to be.
SPJ: That is amazing DL! What was the most enjoyable and memorable part in writing your book?
DL: The most enjoyable part of writing was allowing my characters to develop at their own pace, discovering who they were and what story they wanted to share. I enjoy letting a character flow and move, knowing he/she will take the story in new and unexpected places that enriches the book.
SPJ: Tell us, did you find it difficult to find a publisher and if so what did you do to remedy that?
DL: It was very difficult finding a publisher, that's why I kept writing so I wouldn't have time to grow discouraged. Every few years I would pursue publishing again. The lack of response, the photo copied rejections I found exasperating. I could easily have papered a room with the "thanks, but no," letters.
I used to keep all the rejections, then decided about ten years ago to burn them at the end of each year. That was really a cleansing feeling, as if a great weight had been lifted. Somewhere along the way, I decided if I wasn't published by the time my youngest child graduated from high school, I'd give up on a writing career. Well, that time has come and gone, and my son graduated from college before I found a publisher. My family's support is mostly to blame for my staying the course. I've always told my kids we're not quitters ... and you guessed it, they tossed that right back at me whenever I thought about giving up.
SPJ: DL, I believe we all could paper a room with our rejection letters. Rejections are just part of a writer's life but doesn't that just make the victory so much sweeter when it comes. You are right NEVER give up, never. What advice would you give to authors who are looking for a publisher?
DL: My advice to aspiring writers is to stay connected with other writers. Go to as many workshops and seminars as you possibly can. Keep meeting people in your profession. Eventually you will hook up with someone who values your work. Decide right up front that you're in it for the long haul - however long that may be.
SPJ: Amen and amen! If you could speak directly to publishers, what would you tell them?
DL: The main thing I'd ask of publishers is to extend the professionalism they expect. By that I mean, we, as writers are expected to have everything in perfect order - crisp clean, error-free presentations. Yet I've received dozens of blurry, photo-copied rejections that are far from professional. They don't seem to notice their own misspelled wording, misused names ... all things they can't abide.
I'd also tell publishers that the days of single submissions is a thing of the past. The slowness in response forces writers to send out multiple submissions and publishers and agents above all people should understand that.
SPJ: Publishers! Are you listening? I hope so. Now, tell us do you have an agent? A publicist?
DL: I had an agent for a couple of years and she helped a great deal in getting my work ready for publication. But unfortunately due to ill health she was forced to close her business. I have not had one since, but I cherish the last note she sent to me, 'don't you ever give up!"
SPJ: How much promoting do you do? What is working for you? Any tips for other authors?
DL: Promoting my work has been similar to Catch 22. It has been difficult promoting my book without a professional review ... but now, thanks to you, I can more confidently pursue the avenues where I think my book will sell. Memories Trail has been well accepted locally and now I plan to broaden that exposure across the midwest - to many of the places mentioned in my book.
The one tip I have to offer other authors -- is to pursue reviews before your book is published. I wasn't aware that I was the one who should do that - and now wish I had been more assertive in getting reviews before printing.
SPJ: Do you belong to a writer's group?
DL: In the past I have belonged to writer's groups, mostly classes I attended that also served as writer's group. I always found them beneficial and comforting to be with other writers. At present, I do not belong to such a group - but I'd like to.
SPJ: DL, would you tell us what has writing this work done for you and what do you hope it will do for your readers? What do you hope they will take away with them after reading your work?
DL: Writing Memories Trail has been a life-fulfilling experience for me, one I plan to continue doing. Reading should always be an enjoyable experience and I hope my readers find satisfaction in my book. I also want to educate my readers, make them think in a different way than they're used to. Ultimately, if a reader grows or finds compassion for others while reading my book that would be a great accomplishment.
SPJ: In me, you have achieved that accomplishment, thank you. How supportive were your family and friends in your writing experience and how important do you think this is to a writer?
DL.: My family and friends have been tremendously supportive. My husband Kurt is my biggest fan, my critic, and coach. He's been patiently waiting for one of my books to be published. The support of my family and friends is extremely important and their generous wishes for my success humbles me. It's hard work to write and even harder to stay in the chair if others don't respect what you do. I'm thankful my family has always understood my need to write.
SPJ: Do you have any other works in progress? If so in what genre and when will they be released?
DL: As a matter of fact I do! As I mentioned earlier, I have several more books on the Douglas family that go up to and through the Civil War. Promises To Keep is the next book in this family saga. It's a bit different -- no wars, no Indians, but lots of conflict, betrayal and emotional growth with my characters. Joe Douglas is a gambler, and his wife is tired of his long absences and does the one thing she thought she'd never do. She sleeps with another man. Christine Douglas Frailey is married to an austere, reserved man and she tries to bring them closer to each other only to discover he has a mistress and she can't abide such deceit. Through out the book my characters grow and find strengths they never knew they had.
I also have a science-fiction series that I'm having a great time writing. The first book is called, The Warrior, The Wolf, and The House of Were. The wolf is a werewolf, a prince, and in league with the Lord Almighty to cleanse the evil from the universe. When he and his soldiers are on Earth, they have one small problem ... they're forgetful, but keep forgetting that they are and keeping track of things tends to get confusing. But their instincts carry them through -- in many unconventional ways.
I hope to have Promises To Keep published by summer '06, and The Warrior, The Wolf and The House of Were shortly after.
SPJ: They sound wonderful, best of luck with them. Would you tell us, how many hours a day do you write?
DL: I generally write four hours a day, some of that with editing and re-writing. I always have a few projects going at the same time. If my creative thinking isn't up to par, then I turn to something else till I get in the groove and find myself grabbing paper and pen.
SPJ: Is there a special place that you write, one that inspires you? Has there been a special person who inspired you to write?
DL: I like to write at my dining room table where I can glance out the bay window at my husband's cornfields. I always write long-hand on an original piece. If I don't, my writing style sounds too business-like and I end up rewriting it anyway. I enjoy writing when we travel, in a car, airplane, doesn't matter. There's a comfy chair on my back porch that beckons, stretched out on my bed works well, too. I can write just about anywhere.
As for a special person who inspired me ... I can't say there as ever been that someone. But Mrs. Mattan, my fifth grade teacher taught me to love reading. I remember telling her once that I would have changed the ending to the book I had just finished. It was too predictable. She replied, "Maybe someday you'll write your own story."
SPJ: God bless you Mrs. Mattan! Has having a book published changed your life in anyway and if so please share that with us.
DL: Having a published book has given me a sense of accomplishment. I feel that on a personal level each time I finish writing a book, too. Having one published solidifies my efforts that this was worthy enough for others to read. The sense that this will happen again and again, gives me the feeling that, 'yes, this is what I was meant to do in life.'
SPJ: Where do you hope your writing career will be in 3 years and what are you doing to achieve that goal.
DL: Three years from now I'd like to be on the National Best Sellers List. I'd like to be writing and creating as I have been for the last twenty years. And to achieve that goal -- I'm writing the best I can and will continue to promote my work with enthusiasm.
SPJ: Good for you! Look out National Best Sellers List, here comes DL! And I believe that. A question a little off the beaten track, do you read and if so what genre is your favorite?
DL: Read? As a children's librarian I read quite a bit. On the kiddy level, David McPhail has a sense of humor I admire. On the youngster level, Mary Pope Osborne with her Magic Tree House series is on the top of my list. If your kid doesn't like to read -- read one of hers together with your child -- and you'll get the fever. For Young Adult, I really like Margaret Haddix; her 'Among The Hidden" series is awesome and extremely thought provoking.
But when I find time to read a grown-up book ... I love Janet Evanovich with her Stephanie Plum, Bounty Hunter series. Book Eleven was just as fun as Book One. I like intrigue but not gore, get bored with espionage and find myself giggling at romance novels -- but keep reading on, some are real page turners. Diana Gabaldon and her Outlander series had me staying up too many nights in a row, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
SPJ: Would you tell us a little about yourself, outside of being a published author?
DL: As I mentioned, I'm a children's librarian, farm wife, mom, grammy, good friend to a few great gals and pals with many. I love gardening but never get enough time with the dirt. I love to read, but disapprove of the late hours I keep. I drink moderately but have on occasion been over-served. I drive too fast, yet I'm chronically ten minutes late for everything. I used to be a blond till I discovered that red is - well, red! I laugh too loud, a nagging habit my kids picked up, so now when we meet for dinner - we're the table that's too noisy.
I grew up in a small town but had dreams of moving to the big city until I met this cute farm boy. I've been married to that same farm boy for thirty-three years and would do it all again - probably the same silly way we did it the first time.
I bruise easily but consider myself thick-skinned. I've been called Miss Manners by my friends and family for a generation, yet continue to spill on my shirt. I was the baby of our family until my brother arrived and ruined everything. I've gone to school and listened to professors, but agree with Albert Einstein, 'that imagination is more important than knowledge.'
SPJ: You're a JEWEL DL and an asset to this world we live in. Please use this space for anything you would like to share with our readers concerning publishing, writing or your publishing experience in general.
DL: Please visit my web-site at and check out my many rooms. I'm a charter member to the National Museum of American Indians at the Smithsonian Institute, and if you're looking for more about the great Shawnee warrior or a simple weekend get-away next summer - visit TECUMSEH, the outdoor drama in Chilicothe Ohio. It's pretty cool. Hopefully my book will be in the gift shop by then! At my web page you can download my free Study Guide or Book Club questions to use with Memories Trail. It's sure to enrich your reading enjoyment.
In closing, I'd like to say "thank you" for the great review and for the interview. It's been a pleasure!
SPJ: Did I not promise you a great interview? Thank you DL for allowing us to know you better. Thank you for writing such a wonderful book and thank you for your outlook on life and the encouragement you bring. Readers, order her work, Memories Trail; I promise you will not be sorry. To you DL, may everything you put your hand to prosper. Thank you again.
Til next time ~
DL Larson
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Power Marketing Panel and More at Love Is Murder
Members of our promotion panel include Morgan Mandel, Rosemary Harris, Joanna Campbell Slan and Jennie Spallone.
If you're new at the marketing game, or want to learn or share some promo tips, you our panel on Friday, Feb. 6 from 2-3 pm is for you.
The Power Marketing Panel is not the only attraction at Love is Murder. The bulging agenda features pitching classes, editing panels, a crime scene re-enactment, a panel about humor in mysteries (Saturday, 9-10am - another panel I'm on), guns, sex, history, librarians, good food, book signings, special guests like Jeffery Deaver, Alex Kava, Steve Berry, Sharan Newman and Raymond Benson, and much more.
By the way, I'm not the only Acme Authors Link member who'll be in attendance. You'll also find Rob Walker, Terri Stone, Margot Justes, and Norm Cowie there as well. Come join us for lots of fun and lots of learning.
Is anyone reading this coming to Love is Murder? Will it be your first time? If you've been to LIM before, what do you like about it? Please share.
If you can't come, I welcome your comments about the special guests or conferences in general.
I hope to see some of you over there.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A Brush with History
I was on a flight from Chicago to DC en route to attend training for my government job. Now, we government employees don't have to fly in the cargo area but we certainly don't get to fly in much style either. So, I was surprised and delighted when a newly elected Senator from my state, Barack Obama boarded the plane after me and sat several rows behind. Now, I'm not saying other Senators and politicians haven't done the same but this was the first time I recognized one flying in the same lack of style I was. Of course, that will never happen again for him given the recent events.
Maybe it was because he was so new and hadn't racked up a lot of frequent-flyer miles but I like to think it's because of the kind of responsible person, politician and citizen that he has come to be known as to the rest of the country and world. At the time I will just say that I was impressed with his humble behavior and this was at a time when I didn't know much about him except what was revealed in his run for Senator of IL.
So, it's going to be very interesting to see how much President Obama (I can say that today) is going to retain his regular guy approach to life now that he will be living in the most important address in the world. Hopefully, his family will keep him grounded and help him preserve as much of his connection to the rest of us as he can, something I think is important for any politician at any level since they make so many decisions that affect the rest of us.
One of the most important messages I've taken from his many speeches is that while he will provide leadership as President, we all have to pitch in and do our part. So, this is not a time for any of us to sit back and expect the government to solve all of our problems. While we should absolutely expect our government to provide leadership, especially in tough times such as we find ourselves in these days, we need to remember that this is a country of We the People. I'm excited to see how many young people are so motivated to get involved, but it's not just young people that are getting constructively involved. People from all walks of life and ages are coming together to help move this country forward during tough times and that is such a beautiful thing to see, regardless who's living at the most important address in the world. Now that's patriotism!
Monday, January 19, 2009
(here's where our moderator inserts a disclaimer saying that my views are not necessarily shared by the other wonderful Acme author bloggers. See below for some discussion on this.)
Anyway, as the pendulum swings from conservative to something not so conservative, I thought it would be fair if I thought long and hard and in fairness, did my best to catalog some of the changes for the better that came after Y2K.
If you'll recall, when Y2K loomed upon us, we all waited for the turn of the century with bated breath, fearful that the change from one century to another would bring about cataclysmic results as everything crashed to a halt. Little did we realize that the catastrophe wouldn't begin until November.
But enough about that. Now it is time to celebrate those things that have changed for the better since Dubya. We will search through the economy, environment, education, foreign relations, health care, the poor, and find that nugget of gleaming redemption for our outgoing President.
Okay, here goes ...
(I'm so excited.)
Hee, hee.
Already then, see you next week!
(by the way, if you have some question about how a seemingly political-like post fits into this author blog, read my Adventures of Guy books. You'll see that politics, attorneys, greed, poverty and other social statements are interwoven all through my books. George W. Bush is a major character in my WIP third book in the series)
The Adventures of Guy
The Next Adventures of Guy
Fang Face (YA vampire fun, coming Aug 09)
Missing (coming Feb 09)
The Heat of the Moment
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I don't know how long this game's been going on, but it sounds like a fun way to get people looking at other websites and blogs.
Okay so the Rules:
Link to the person who tagged you; write down six things that make you happy; post the rules; tag six others and let them know you’ve done it; tell the person who tagged you when your entry is up.
Six Things That Make Me Happy:
1 - Spending time with my husband (especially watching movies with him)
2 - Spending time with family and friends
3 - Reading
4 - Writing (and seeing my books in print!)
5 - Scrapbooking
6 - Working in my garden on a beautiful summer day
I'm tagging:
Morgan Mandel
Alisha Paige
Christina Phillips
Liana Laverentz
Jennie Ruesch
Celia Yeary
Until next time,
Happy Reading!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Rob Does Romance Part 2 - Intermingling of Romance and Mystery - an excerpt from Bloodroot, a work in progress by Robert W. Walker
Last week I discussed the importance of making a mystery well-rounded by having a strong romantic thread running throughout, and conversely a well-rounded romance novel ought to have a mystery thread embedded (or pulled through it). This is true of a good historical novel as well, and in fact the historical probably ought to be much more about the romance than the history, as was the case in Gone With the Wind. To bring home my point, here is an excerpt from my novel of romance set in the time of the Salem Witch Trials, BLOODROOT (which is looking for a visionary editor as it divides into three separate sections or books and runs to 160,000 words).
Chapter Fifteen
Jeremiah and Serena located an old cabin on the Nurse property, one long out of use except as emergency shelter and storage. There was also a shelter beside the cabin large enough for the horses. In the storm, they left their mounts tethered and saddled, rushing indoors hand-in-hand. They’d become absolutely soaked and chilled.
“So early for such rains,” she complained, her arms flailing with the wet.
“Haven’t been this wet since . . .” he began.
“Since when?”
“Since that day you pushed me into the Frost Fish.”
“You had it coming, remember? The game was called Even-Stephens!”
“What? For kissing you?”
“You needed a good cooling down that day, Jeremy Wakely.”
“What’re we to do? Stand here and shiver?”
“Build a fire. Surely, in all your worldly travels, by now you’ve learned how?”
“Watch me.” Jeremy went to work at the cobwebbed hearth, starting with kindling and some gunpowder from a pouch he carried. Soon a fire was building, and next roaring, sending most of its heat straight up and out the chimney. Still, the fire glowed bright and cast an orange glow about the old cabin, filling it with a warm feeling but when he looked around, no Serena.
Jeremy could not find her, yet they were in a single-room cabin. She’d disappeared in the manner of a phantom, and for a half moment, he gasped at the trick of light as she stepped from behind a stairwell at the center of the cabin leading to an attic room overhead. “Bit warmer upstairs,” she said. “She’d wrapped a sheet around her like a shroud, tied tightly against her body.
Jeremy had already peeled away his shirt and he stood before the fire in silhouette, his broad shoulders and muscles outlined against the fire behind him. “You should bring down your clothes to dry ar the fire,” he suggested.
“And you,” she countered, tossing him a blanket to use.
“Ah, yes, and I should undress?”
“Yes, by all means. Get those wet clothes off and wrap yourself in the blanket.”
She retreated back up the stairs, her footstep so light as to be near undetectable. Jeremy wondered what was so interesting about upstairs, but he worried now with getting the rest of his drenched clothes off. The blanket tied about him, he grabbed an old chair to drape his shirt, pants, socks, and unmentionables before the fire. “You really should bring down your clothes to dry,” he called up the stairwell now.
“There’s a fine view of the storm from up here,” she replied. “Great bay window to look out.”
It was a clear invitation to join her. Jeremiah cautiously took the stairwell, barefoot, wrapped in the woolen blanket. The warmth had returned to his body, and for that he felt grateful.
When his head came above the floor on the second landing, he found Serena propped on her side, head in hand, supine on an old oaken bed, staring out the window she had spoken of as a crooked sword of lighting streaked the night sky overhead to stab at the earth.
“Come watch the fireworks!” she called out to him on seeing he’d entered the room.
“What use has a man of fireworks in the distance, when all the beauty of the world lies here before me?”
This took her attention from the storm, and she gazed into his longing eyes. “So you are a flatterer. I wonder how many others have you said such words to.”
“I have remained ever faithful to you, Serena. I swear it.”
She sat up, the sheet covering her now sliding sensuously down from her shoulders, exposing her soft breasts and inviting nipples and aureoles. “Are you sure?” she asked.
“S-Sure?” Inwardly, he was shouting the word sure. “Absolutely.”
“No, I don’t mean like that.”
He unconsciously reached out and cupped her breasts in his hands as if mesmerized. “What do you mean?” he absently asked, fondling her, dunking his head ito her and passionately kissing her.
“Are you sure, Jeremiah Wakely,” she said while gasping at his touch, “that I’m not just some-some passing fancy for a man passing through on-on his way to elsewhere?”
“I assure you, my love is real.” He kissed her breasts now, one after the other.
His hot breath on her nipples sent her arching into his tongue, and with her head thrown back, her neck now taking the brunt of his kisses, she gasped out more words: “Then I’m not some-some diversion for a rolling s-stone?”
“A trifling you’ve merely . . . stumbled ’pon? Jeremiah Wakely?”
“No, never.” He continued smothering her in kisses.
“Never you say, yet-yet you left me once before.”
“I was a fool.”
“And now?”
“A wiser man.”
She firmly held him at bay now with a stiff arm. “Do you count me wise as well?”
“I do, and Serena, the time away from you has proved me a fool, and tasting you has made me a genius.”
“A genius, eh?”
“It’s proved that I love you.”
Tears formed in her eyes on hearing these words. “Honestly?”
“Honestly, and in honest love there is respect.”
She smiled wide at this. “Respect is it? Is that what you call—”
He cut off her anger. “I love you.”
“I will make love to you, Jeremy, here, now.”
“What?” his confusion appeared complete.
“But I am unsure if either of us know one another well enough anymore to know if we’re still in love.”
“I think I follow that, yet my heart says it is so, that I love you and always have—since childhood!”
“We’re not children any longer, Jere.”
“My feelings haven’t changed. Have yours?”
“What consequences may come of making love cannot be so complicated as being in love.”
“I accept the consequences.” He returned to kissing her on the mouth.
She struggled to find the strength to push him away again. When she did, she said, “Especially now, Jere, you must promise that after all this time—”
“You’re not fearful of breaking with the commandments, so much as afraid of me?”
“I am not afraid of either consequence,” she lied. “But I want this to mark the last time you will leave me.”
“I see. I—”
“I’ve waited ten years to feel your body close to mine, and I’m not waiting ten more—not even for the Ten Commandments—to find out if you are what I want from this life.”
“I don’t know what to say,” he confessed.
“Say nothing more.”
“Shut up and come into me.”
Awkwardly, nervously now, his mind swirling with what price she’d placed on their lovemaking, he lowered himself over Serena, taking her in his arms. The warmth and energy coursing through their entwined bodies seemed as blazing and as chaotic as the lightening in the sky outside—or the hearth near the bed as a second hearth cut of the same chimney stones squatted at one end of the attic, and from it additional heat poured forth.
The lovers were soon exchanging perspiration with their embrace and passions. Jeremy’s unbridled passion unleashed, Serena felt a wave of ecstasy and a sense of freedom and weightlessness that defied being beneath the only man she had ever loved. All inhibitions had fallen away as easily as her sheet and his blanket.
And it felt right; it felt proper. It felt like the natural bonding that she imagined her parents had felt as young people.
Rob Walker
Thursday, January 15, 2009
New Year, New Beginnings, New President
I’m talking about myself.
I’m the new president.
Well, A new president anyway.
I’ve been elected the president of my local writing group, Chicago-North RWA and I’m really…excited? concerned? scared to death? In a word, YEP.
I’ve been with Chicago North for three years and when I joined I was looking for help in getting my young adult book published. What I found was the help I needed and so much more. I’ve met some terrific ladies, and some men who show up from time to time. I have publishing house buddies (Waving at you Deb and Nancy!!) and have just basically had a really great time. So when it was time for board elections and the president position was open (Thank you Sara for such a WONDERFUL job) I went for it.
Okay, that is a lie. (We all know I like to lie every now and then, you know, just to stir things up a bit.)
Seriously, I was hesitant to go for the position because I didn’t think I had what it takes to be president of such a great group. But then I realized that all I needed, if I was made president, was exactly what I was looking for when I joined the group in the first place.
I figured if this group could assist me with my dream of getting my book published, which I did, and continue my dream career, which I am, then this is the place for me to spread my wings and try my hand at doing more. I want to give something back to the group that helped me so much. Hopefully I can do that.
Thanks for everything Chicago North—and Happy New Year!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Please Welcome Our Guest, YA Author, Beverly Stowe McClure

Ah, the teenage years that many of us remember so fondly: carefree days, few responsibilities (mostly homework and perhaps a babysitting job), staying up late on weekends with friends, football games, movies with our boyfriends. Those years leave lasting impressions on us, though we may not realize it at the time. But wait. Were those years really as good as we believe they were?
I look back now and see the reality. When I was living those years they were a totally different story. I remember wearing homemade dresses while the other girls wore the latest styles of store bought clothes. Memories of being nearsighted and wearing cat-eye glasses that made my eyes as tiny as peanuts rush back. I envied the pretty, popular girls who were the cheerleaders, class favorites, and class beauties.
Saturdays were not all fun times spent with friends. They often were traumatic as I haunted the phone hoping for a call from my crush when he was out crushing on someone else, unaware of my feelings for him because I was too shy to tell him. My first kiss was my first love, my knight in shining armor who ended up breaking my heart when he dumped me for another girl.
We survived those teenage angst years, but at the time we’d swear our lives were over. No one could convince us we’d look back someday and laugh and realize life was pretty good after all. Never tell a teen these are the best years of her life. She won’t believe you, especially if her best friend has suddenly found another best friend and they don’t invite her for a sleepover at their houses.
Teens today, even with their iPods and cell phones and MP3 players, have the same emotions, the same fears and joys, as generations of teens before them. They face the same uncertainties in their lives and perhaps even more challenges in today’s fast-paced society.
Many of the stories I write deal with real life situations teens face, even tough subjects sometimes. For example, in my recent novel, Rebel in Blue Jeans, Rebel’s mother and father separate and are talking divorce. Rebel feels guilty and wonders if she could have prevented their separation had she been a better daughter. She’s also torn between her parents, loving them both. Changing friendships and first love add to Rebel’s troubles. She deals with each situation in her own unique way: anger, confusion, and sometimes humor.
If my novels can give young readers hope in situations where they have little or no control, then I’ve accomplished my goal. And that’s the reason I write for teens.
# # #
Find Beverly Stowe McClure at and
Amazon link:
Please make Beverly feel welcome by leaving a comment
Monday, January 12, 2009
Back up your stuff or this could be you!
Mr. norm cowie has entered room.
Anu has entered room.
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 18:30:29 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
You are being transferred to Anu.
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 18:30:33 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Welcome to Norton Spyware & Virus Removal Service.
Is this the first time you are contacting us or do you have a Priority ID?
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 20:30:44 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
first time
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 18:32:06 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
May I confirm your email address as
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 18:32:50 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
May I know which country you are connected from?
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 20:32:59 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 18:33:55 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Please let me know which Symantec product you are using and its version/year.
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 20:34:39 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
internet security 2009
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 18:34:58 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
May I know which Operating System do you have on the computer? (Operating System would mean Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OS, etc.)
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 20:35:17 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 18:35:37 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
May I know if your computer is on network or it is a stand alone PC?
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 20:36:47 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
it's stand alone. it was on a wireless network, but now it's just hardwired to the router
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 18:37:41 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
How many computers are there in the network ?
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 20:38:57 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
two hardwired to the router and two wireless laptops. we don't exactly have a 'network' where the computers share data, just for internet access
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 18:39:21 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Alright .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 20:41:45 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 18:42:15 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Are you connected from the computer, which is facing this particular issue?
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 20:43:40 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
no. I can't access the internet from that computer. we can't get past the windows login, even in 'safe' mode. as soon as you try and log in, it flashes the desktop for a split second and then logs off.
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 18:44:38 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
We really sorry for the inconvenience caused to you .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 20:44:48 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 18:47:32 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
May I place you on hold for 2 minutes while I research on this issue?
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 20:48:47 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
ok. researching this, i think it's the malware that tries to trick the person into buying a scam antivirus program.
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 20:51:19 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
virusremover 2008 I think is its name
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 18:54:29 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
norm , we are really sorry our technicians are removing the virus by connecting to your computer remotely .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 20:55:43 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
hang on, i had it disconnected from the internet while we were trying safe mode
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 18:55:59 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
As you are not able to log on to your computer our technicians can not work on it .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 20:56:53 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
i turned everything on and hooked it up again
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:02:47 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Please try to log on Safe mode with networking .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:03:18 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
ok, just a minute
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:04:16 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Thank you .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:06:37 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
okay, i did it. I did it before I contacted you, too, and here's what happened before and what's happening now: it let's me go in safe, and lets me choose network, and then I'm back at the log-in page. there are two options, administrator and lauren (my daughter). but it asks for a password and everything we try doesn't work. we never had a password on this computer. i tried 'admin' 123456, and all of those, plus any others i could think of.
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:08:09 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Alright Norm .
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:10:44 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Norm somebody may have set a password for it , as you are not able to log onto the computer we are helpless please contact your system vendor or Microsoft for this issue .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:12:14 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
did you read what i just said? we never had a password. i believe that the virus is doing this. when i was researching this, other people had the exact same thing happen. repeat, we never had a password!
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:13:16 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Okay , please contact a local technician for more details .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:13:48 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
this virus somehow got by norton ... is norton a waste of money?
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:14:55 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
you are just dumping the problem. i bought norton to keep this kind of stuff out of my computer. i buy 4 nortons a year and have been for prob ten years. have i been wasting my time and money since you won't protect my system or protect it after?
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:15:36 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
i have two computers that my subscription ends later this month. maybe i need to find a better antivirus
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:16:19 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Alright .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:16:34 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
that's it?
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:17:25 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Yes , thank you .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:17:34 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
how do i get my money back?
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:18:03 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Please specify .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:18:51 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
i just purchased this antivirus program in nov, it didn't protect my computer, you're no help. so i want my money back since i have to go pay someone else to take out what norton didn't prevent
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:20:39 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
As you want a refund the product I can transfer you to the refund department .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:22:05 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
okay, please do that. and here's something else for you. i'm a published author and i am going to take this entire log and post it for my readers to see.
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:23:46 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Okay .
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:23:56 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
You are currently experiencing a technical product related issue which is supported by the Technical Support Team.
You can connect to them by visiting
However I can also connect this chat session to the Technical Support Team directly. Shall I proceed to do so?
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:26:44 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
you are now telling me something different. you just told me to go see a specialist, and now you are referring me to someone else with norton? I don't get what's happening here. I thought you were technical support
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:29:01 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Please let me explain .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:29:15 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:30:17 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
oh, and if you google this you'll see other people with this problem, (example:
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:30:43 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
To troubleshoot your PC please contact a local technician or Microsoft , to provide the refund I can transfer you to the refund department .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:31:53 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
you just changed direction on me again - a moment ago you were asking if i should talk with someone at technical support. i asked if you were tech support and now you're back to telling me to go to microsoft.
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:32:00 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
so make up your mind
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:32:50 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
are you a trainee?
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:35:47 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
I am technician form Virus removal Department .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:35:59 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
i think there is a malicious malware out there that is kicking norton's butt. you guys don't seem to be willing to admit it.
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:36:45 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
We have to check it for providing further details .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:37:08 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
i spent two hours googling it and found all kinds of people talking about it. you guys should be all over it.
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:38:34 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
if i take it to a computer tech and he determines that it was a malicious malware that norton should have prevented, will norton pay for the cost of the tech? You really should, if you really support your product.
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:40:01 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Without getting a remote access we are helpless to remove the infections in your computer , if it is there .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:40:46 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
you can't get remote access because the virus got in and took away our ability to log on. (repeating myself here)
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:41:31 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
again, if i can get proof that there is a virus, will norton reiumburse me for their failure to protect my computer?
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:44:47 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
are you there, anu?
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:45:06 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
Norm , what you want to do from my side ?
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:47:07 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
either a) agree to reimburse me for tech if they determine that a virus slipped by your system, b) refer me to a tech near my house where i pay if it wasn't a virus or you pay if it was, or c) I don't know... you're supposed to be the expert.
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:48:58 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
okay, i think we're done here. obviously you need more training. i'll copy and paste our little conversation and let my readers decide if i was unreasonable or if you were unreasonable. you might lose some business or maybe people won't buy my books (shrug)
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:49:27 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
As you wish .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:50:48 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
oh, may i have your full name for the letter i'll be sending to your headquarters, or are you the only anu there?
Anu(Thu Jan 08 2009 19:51:20 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
My name is Anu Paul .
Mr. norm cowie(Thu Jan 08 2009 21:51:35 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time))>
thank you