Sunday, March 3, 2013

You Know It's Been a While When...

So, I was doing some household chores this morning. We were out of town last weekend, so some of the standard chores didn't get done. But, I have to admit, I discovered some things I'd let go for a lot longer than a week.

Out on the back porch I still had tins of Christmas cookies. Now, I can look at that in two ways. On the positive side of things, there were actually some left over, so I didn't pig out and eat them all over the holidays. On the negative side, what was I thinking letting delicious Christmas cookies go to waste?

On the bed in the spare room was an outfit I'd set out to wear but never did. It was purple to match the color I'd done my the beginning of February.

There was a pile of things on the stairs to be taken up when I go...the pile had dust on it. Now, I take half a dozen trips up and down the stairs on a daily basis, which means I've had plenty of opportunity to take those things up and put them away in their proper spots...

My laptop...the corner of it I could see that wasn't covered with coupons and other papers...also had a layer of dust on it. Which means I haven't done a heck of a lot of writing lately. Okay. I've done zero writing lately. At least new stuff. This past week I got my galleys for The Vampire and the Vixen, so I did edits on that. But nothing fresh. No progress on a Work In Progress.

Yep, I've definitely let things slide lately. I really need to get back on track.

On a completely different note, to celebrate Read an Ebook Week, my debut novel, This Time for Always, is available FREE today at The Wild Rose Press! Click here to pop on over and grab a copy...

Until next time,

Happy Reading!



Morgan Mandel said...

Your house sounds like mine. I have stuff upstairs that needs putting away, but I figure the stuff downstairs is priority, since people can see it!

Morgan Mandel

Debra St. John said...

Totally. I had a friend over for a movie the other night, so downstairs got spiffed up. No one but us ever goes downstairs, so it's usually a mess.

Deb Larson said...

I hear you - I blame it on gremlins. I have them at the library too!
Congrats on your book!
DL Larson