Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Writing Opportunities

Often writers overlook the value of extending their reach beyond their writing comfort zone. If you write fiction, why not try non-fiction and vice versa?

Just as television and film actors often take to the stage to hone their skills and stretch themselves artistically, writers should look beyond their normal writing activities to do the same.

Where do you look?

Well, in your own backyard, of course. Whether that backyard is online, your local newspaper or the variety of community support organizations that exist, the opportunities are far greater than most can think of.

One of the fastest growing areas for freelance writers is online. Many companies and webiste owners struggle to keep their sites fresh. Why does this matter? It directly relates to page ranking and other attributes used by search engines, among other things.

So, stretch yourself as a writer and embrace the various freelance opportunities that exist. Many not pay well - or pay at all - but just as artists and models develop a portfolio, freelance writing is an opportunity for writers to show case a body of work that just might feed into a book or novel for publication.

Here are a few sites to wet your appetite and get you started:





You can also google the topic and you’ll be surprised with the results.

Happy Writing!


Deb Larson said...

A great idea, Terri. Thanks for sharing.
DL Larson

Anonymous said...

Being rude, perhaps, but it's whet your appetite...

Romance Readers Digest said...

Thanks for the correction - not rude at all.