Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Tale of Two Noahs

I've had Noah on my mind these past few days.

Here in the Midwest (and in many other parts of the country) it's been raining. A lot. My basement has things floating in it. We got nearly seven inches of rain at O'Hare. And there's more to come today. I am understanding and sympathizing with Noah and his ark. In fact, I am a bit envious. I feel like I need one. Now, I could do without the animals (allergies and all), but a nice haven to float in until this passes would be delightful. Something that doesn't leak, drip, seep, or have other things floating in it. My house at the moment is doing all of the above. Of course, I don't think I could take forty days and forty nights of this. Noah must have been desperate for blue sky and dry land by the end of it all. I know I am, and it's only been a few rainy days. My prayers and thoughts go out to all who are currently experiencing floods, rains, and hurricanes.

The second Noah on my mind is the hero in the manuscript I currently have with my editor at Wild Rose. I did some edits and rewrites/revisions for her and should hear back in a few weeks. (Keep your fingers crossed that she'll offer a contract!) This Noah is hot. I've modeled him after Brad Pitt, who is also hot. He's been a fun hero to create, as he's got serious committment issues, but finds himself married to Abby, who wants nothing more than to settle down and raise a family. They are as different as two people can be, so it was great fun writing their love story.

On a final note and unrelated to Noah at all, I put together an author page at Author's Den. Feel free to check it out.

And now I'm going to go check on floating objects in my basement. Hopefully they'll find land soon. Maybe later I'll be able to do my imitation of a couch potato and settle in with Brad in the DVD player.

Until next time,

Happy Reading!


from The Wild Rose Press
Champagne Rose, Champagne Rosebud, and Rosebud #1 Bestseller!

1 comment:

Morgan Mandel said...

Could be the Tale of the Two Basements - Mine's been flooding too! Better today. At least the water isn't dripping in from the window wells any more.

In fact, it's just cleared up outside and the forecast is no rain for 5 days!
Hope they're right.

I can hardly wait to read your Noah book.
Morgan Mandel