The first photo is the Toys for Tots collection at Noelgin, the live WLS radio event I attended last Friday.
Now, in the second photo, Who's the man I'm with?
If you can't figure it out, I'll tell you later.
The main thing is he's got star power. For an author to sell books on name recognition, star power is a must. The question is, how to get it? I'm still working on that riddle. Some of the things I do to increase my aura are:
Acquire reviews. Which reminds me, I just got a new one for Two Wrongs I'm really thrilled about: http://theromancestudio.com/reviews/reviews//twowrongs/mandel.htm will get you to my five heart review by Linda L. at The Romance Studio
Keep an updated website
Do blogs once-a-week, often more
Post blogs on Amazon.com
Belong to yahoo groups
Add friends on Ning and My Space and Bebo and Facebook and lots of other places
Distribute bookmarks in the jury duty waiting room, on the train, at social occasions
Do Book Signings
Participate on panels
Put up displays at the library
Belong to writing organizations, such as RWA,MWA,EPIC, Sisters in Crime
Oh, Yes, Also, occasionally, I hang around someone who already has star power, in the hopes that some of the stardust may rub off on me. Last week, I attended a live WLS radio show in Elgin. One of the guests, who is active in the Toys for Tots program, possesses lots of star power and has appeared in many roles on the large and small screen. Here I am with R. Lee Ermey, best known for his role as gunny in the movie, Full Metal Jacket.
So remember: On the road to star power remember, you can turn almost any event or occasion into an opportunity to acquire stardust. If you get enough, you'll have Star Power!
Go to it,
Morgan Mandel
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