Today is a day for getting chores done. We were out all day yesterday, so that means the work needs to be done today: laundry, cleaning, putting up Halloween decs, etc. It will be a busy day.
It got me to thinking. Do our characters ever do such mundane tasks? Readers probably don't want to hear about your hero or heroine cleaning the bathroom or doing the laundry. But what if obssesive neatness was a character trait for one? In order to show rather than tell, shouldn't there be at least one scene involving him/her cleaning the house? I did have my hero doing laundry in one scene. It was a device for him to find her silky panties in the dryer. And in my upcoming release (An Unexpected Blessing) I do have my heroine decorating for and then later setting the table for Thanksgiving. It helped to set the mood and really ground the setting.
How about you? Have you ever had your characters doing mundane tasks in the interest of story-telling?
Until next time,
Happy Reading!
Get writing, networking, and everyday tips from the Masters -Debra St. John, Christine Verstraete, Morgan Mandel, DL Larson, Terri Stone, Margot Justes and Rob Walker.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Apple Picking by Margot Justes
In the fall we always go apple picking, something I've done with my daughters since they were little, very little. The tradition continues now with my grandchildren. Fall is upon us and of course it's apple picking time.
We tried to go apple picking today, tried was the operative
word, no apples to pick at this particular orchard in Woodstock, Illinois. All
the apples packed in tiny little bags with huge price tags were kept in the
The top two or three apples in the tiny bags were nice
enough, the bottom few not so much, they were bruised and soft. I do understand
the drought, the lack of apples, and the necessity for the orchard to support
itself, but I don't have to pay a premium for at best mediocre quality.
I chose to vote with my pocketbook and not buy any of their
apples, instead I went to a fresh fruit market and bought the delicious honey
crisp apples for a fraction of the cost and I still supported the local growers.
The day was fun, we were together and the drive down was gorgeous.
Fall arrived early and the trees were in their glory-the colors were magnificent.
We stopped at Papa G's, for a late lunch. A delightful diner in Huntley, where
the food was good and my meatloaf (love meatloaf) delicious. I tend to judge
diners on their meatloaf.
Margot JustesA Hotel in Paris
Hearts & Daggers
Cool Crimes Hot Chicks
Thursday, September 27, 2012
What to do BEFORE you send in your writing entry! by DL Larson
Our WindyCity RWA is hosting a writers contest and I have agreed to help judge. Reading entries is beneficial to me too; I focus on what is important in storytelling, the characters, the plot, setting and all the little things that move a story forward. It becomes a good reminder of what I should watch for in my own writing.
Here are a few basic things a writer should check before sending their entry to be judged: These are in no particular order of importance, simply a list to help writers become better writers.
1. Check the passive verbs vs. action verbs. If the story is meant to be fast paced, then the verbs should reveal such. Passive verbs (is, was, will be, etc.) slow the pace down. Be sure your verbs move the plot at the pace you need it to go. A simple way to check for passive words: circle the verbs on a few pages to see the level of movement. Revise as needed.
2. Cliche's. They do not belong in a new story. Find a fresh way to express the old adage. Or ... delete it completely. It may not be needed at all.
3. Point Of View: (POV) It is your character's duty to reveal the information your readers need to know. They should do this in an interesting and intriguing way that feels real, meaningful and timely. Do not load the reader with insight that sounds more like a sidebar instead of the thoughts of your characters. If your narrative doesn't sound like your character, you have stepped away from him/her and taken the voice away from them. You, the writer, have then taken over the role as narrator and this rarely works.
4. Dialogue: Keep it simple, direct and meaningful. Written dialogue is not "real life" dialogue. The purpose of the exchange of words between two or more characters is to move the story forward. This is a good time to bring in new evidence/twists/doubts/emotions, etc. If your dialogue has not produced anything new, chances are it is not needed. Dialogue should be from one character's POV. Head jumping just gives folks a headache. Not every thought needs to be revealed; your characters words and actions/reactions do a better job of this. Show don't tell.
5. Repetition: This may be my pet peeve. Readers rarely need reminding of what they already read. To repeat the same problem over and over again dulls the ache/the need/the want. Only when new information is added does the repetition become interesting again. It's much like spinning a tire in a rut. It gives you something to do ... but you don't get anywhere! These sentences need to be hunted down and slashed off the page. A quick death will improve the rest of the paragraph immensely.
6. Over use of the same word: my favorite is ... cried. I just finished a book by a well known author and the main character cried through the whole thing. It was irritating! And frankly, I don't know how the editors/proof readers missed such a blooper. So, please check for over-used, worn out words. Be aware there are dictionaries and thesauruses available to help broaden your vocabulary.
Use these guidelines to improve your writing and BEFORE you spend time and money on a contest entry. By taking these final steps, you will receive better feedback from the judges. That sounds like a win-win scenario to me!
Til next time ~
DL Larson
Here are a few basic things a writer should check before sending their entry to be judged: These are in no particular order of importance, simply a list to help writers become better writers.
1. Check the passive verbs vs. action verbs. If the story is meant to be fast paced, then the verbs should reveal such. Passive verbs (is, was, will be, etc.) slow the pace down. Be sure your verbs move the plot at the pace you need it to go. A simple way to check for passive words: circle the verbs on a few pages to see the level of movement. Revise as needed.
2. Cliche's. They do not belong in a new story. Find a fresh way to express the old adage. Or ... delete it completely. It may not be needed at all.
3. Point Of View: (POV) It is your character's duty to reveal the information your readers need to know. They should do this in an interesting and intriguing way that feels real, meaningful and timely. Do not load the reader with insight that sounds more like a sidebar instead of the thoughts of your characters. If your narrative doesn't sound like your character, you have stepped away from him/her and taken the voice away from them. You, the writer, have then taken over the role as narrator and this rarely works.
4. Dialogue: Keep it simple, direct and meaningful. Written dialogue is not "real life" dialogue. The purpose of the exchange of words between two or more characters is to move the story forward. This is a good time to bring in new evidence/twists/doubts/emotions, etc. If your dialogue has not produced anything new, chances are it is not needed. Dialogue should be from one character's POV. Head jumping just gives folks a headache. Not every thought needs to be revealed; your characters words and actions/reactions do a better job of this. Show don't tell.
5. Repetition: This may be my pet peeve. Readers rarely need reminding of what they already read. To repeat the same problem over and over again dulls the ache/the need/the want. Only when new information is added does the repetition become interesting again. It's much like spinning a tire in a rut. It gives you something to do ... but you don't get anywhere! These sentences need to be hunted down and slashed off the page. A quick death will improve the rest of the paragraph immensely.
6. Over use of the same word: my favorite is ... cried. I just finished a book by a well known author and the main character cried through the whole thing. It was irritating! And frankly, I don't know how the editors/proof readers missed such a blooper. So, please check for over-used, worn out words. Be aware there are dictionaries and thesauruses available to help broaden your vocabulary.
Use these guidelines to improve your writing and BEFORE you spend time and money on a contest entry. By taking these final steps, you will receive better feedback from the judges. That sounds like a win-win scenario to me!
Til next time ~
DL Larson
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Catching Some Fall Color
The DH, Rascal and I are on our way to Wisconsin to catch some Fall color.
While there I'll also catch some casino action. How often I go depends how I do the first time.
I also plan on working on Blessing or Curse in my down time. I've got an idea for the last major character, which should fit right in with the times.I do want this book ready soon!
I'll leave you now with one of last year's Fall photos.
Morgan Mandel
While there I'll also catch some casino action. How often I go depends how I do the first time.
I also plan on working on Blessing or Curse in my down time. I've got an idea for the last major character, which should fit right in with the times.I do want this book ready soon!
I'll leave you now with one of last year's Fall photos.
Morgan Mandel

Sunday, September 23, 2012
The Ups and The Downs
A writer's life is filled with many ups and downs. Sometimes all at once.
On the up part of things these days, I got a release date for An Unexpected Blessing! My Thanksgiving novella will be out the day before Thanksgiving (November 21). I'm so thrilled it made it for this year. I've spent the last couple of days working on promotional considerations: ordered post cards, started setting up a blog tour, updated my web-site. All that fun stuff.
On the down side of things, my bull rider story got sent back with a request for more revisions. I'm really stuck on what to do with this mss right now. I changed the heroine's career to make her motivation for her dislike of dangerous sports more logical, but now the editor wants a deeper romantic conflict. My hero was left at the altar, so that's his, but I'm stumped as to what to do for the heroine. I had set up the story to be country vs. city as the external conflict, and the dangers of bull riding as the internal, but that doesn't seem to be working. So now I need to dig deeper. And I'm not sure where to start. What I need to do is set it aside for a while and just let things percolate in my mind. Something will come to me. It always has in the past...hopefully it will this time too. I'd hate to see this story go by the wayside as it's the completion of my trilogy. Can't have a trilogy unless there's a third book, right?!
So how about you? Any ups and downs for you these days?
Until next time,
Happy Reading!
On the up part of things these days, I got a release date for An Unexpected Blessing! My Thanksgiving novella will be out the day before Thanksgiving (November 21). I'm so thrilled it made it for this year. I've spent the last couple of days working on promotional considerations: ordered post cards, started setting up a blog tour, updated my web-site. All that fun stuff.
On the down side of things, my bull rider story got sent back with a request for more revisions. I'm really stuck on what to do with this mss right now. I changed the heroine's career to make her motivation for her dislike of dangerous sports more logical, but now the editor wants a deeper romantic conflict. My hero was left at the altar, so that's his, but I'm stumped as to what to do for the heroine. I had set up the story to be country vs. city as the external conflict, and the dangers of bull riding as the internal, but that doesn't seem to be working. So now I need to dig deeper. And I'm not sure where to start. What I need to do is set it aside for a while and just let things percolate in my mind. Something will come to me. It always has in the past...hopefully it will this time too. I'd hate to see this story go by the wayside as it's the completion of my trilogy. Can't have a trilogy unless there's a third book, right?!
So how about you? Any ups and downs for you these days?
Until next time,
Happy Reading!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Pursuing Two Paths! by DL Larson
Searching for a publisher and/or agent is time consuming. I've spent much of this summer pouring over sites to see what might fit my style of books and researching various publishers and agents. I don't have to tell anyone reading this how time-sucking this endeavor becomes.
My biggest problem, er, one of my biggest problems is writing in two very different genres: historical romance and paranormal romance. To me, the jump was easy, but to those in the writing world frown on diversity, fearing readers will not follow the writer to the other genre. To that I say, there are many readers who enjoy various genres and as a librarian I know folks are always looking for new authors to read. Just yesterday I pursuaded an elderly gentleman to try a new genre. He was grinning when he left, said this was rather exciting to try something different.
Now, back to the time-sucking problem. It's the time waiting to hear back that wears me out. I keep good notes on when and who I send queries, date of when I sent and when to expect a response, plus notes on what bits of my work was sent. The exhausting part is the waiting to hear back. I know, I know, I'm supposed to do other things and I do. Still, I'm too slow in keeping the rotation going, the research of yet another venue and before I know it, I've lost a few weeks when I should have sent something out. Yet, I'm waiting, as if I'm at a station where the train refuses to arrive; three months is an exceptionaly long time to wait before I scratch their names off my list.
Recently I came across a publisher that only accepts snail mail. I was shocked. I hadn't sent anything through the mail in ages. But I liked what I saw in my research so I copied my manuscript and took it to the post office. I expected to send it book rate but living in a small town has an occasional downfall. The postal officer knows me, said, "You haven't sent a book out in a long time." And she went on to tell me manuscripts do not fall into the category for book rate. I paid $8.43 to send my book to the east coast.
Keep in mind I have sent a few other queries out this summer, all via email. I have received one reply signifying they received my manuscript and to expect to hear more from them within three months. I appreciated knowing my material reached its destination. Another bounced back too quickly with a rejection and I was surprised they could read my query so fast, let alone the work sent with it. That told me I had not sent my work to the right place even after pondering over what they were looking for. The other two I have not heard from at all. I'm hoping they received my work, but I have no sure way of finding out without pestering them and that I will not do. If I don't receive a response within the next few weeks, I will assume they are too busy to send out rejection notices.
The surprising thing, I received a post card, the one I had packed in the snail mail packet. I got it just the other day. It said everything arrived okay. The whole thing made me smile. Yes, that was an expensive reply but I think it was worth it. It felt very human. It was hand written, probably by the receptionist or clerk, but still a human touch that in this cutting edge business renewed by hope for the writing industry.
So as I ponder over more possible publishers/agents, I make a wish. Or maybe it's a prayer. Why can't publishers see that an author is more than just one style of writer. Why can't I find someone who appreciates both genres I write. Life would be a little easier if I could tell publishers I multi-task very easily. Working on a historical in the morning and a sci-fi in the afternoon is no big deal. I do it everyday at home and at work. I work with preschoolers early in the day and teens after school.
If only I could braid these two paths into one! I need an agent who is as versatile as me. Is there anyone out there willing to take a chance? I'd love to know about them! I'd really like to talk to them.
Til next time ~
DL Larson
My biggest problem, er, one of my biggest problems is writing in two very different genres: historical romance and paranormal romance. To me, the jump was easy, but to those in the writing world frown on diversity, fearing readers will not follow the writer to the other genre. To that I say, there are many readers who enjoy various genres and as a librarian I know folks are always looking for new authors to read. Just yesterday I pursuaded an elderly gentleman to try a new genre. He was grinning when he left, said this was rather exciting to try something different.
Now, back to the time-sucking problem. It's the time waiting to hear back that wears me out. I keep good notes on when and who I send queries, date of when I sent and when to expect a response, plus notes on what bits of my work was sent. The exhausting part is the waiting to hear back. I know, I know, I'm supposed to do other things and I do. Still, I'm too slow in keeping the rotation going, the research of yet another venue and before I know it, I've lost a few weeks when I should have sent something out. Yet, I'm waiting, as if I'm at a station where the train refuses to arrive; three months is an exceptionaly long time to wait before I scratch their names off my list.
Recently I came across a publisher that only accepts snail mail. I was shocked. I hadn't sent anything through the mail in ages. But I liked what I saw in my research so I copied my manuscript and took it to the post office. I expected to send it book rate but living in a small town has an occasional downfall. The postal officer knows me, said, "You haven't sent a book out in a long time." And she went on to tell me manuscripts do not fall into the category for book rate. I paid $8.43 to send my book to the east coast.
Keep in mind I have sent a few other queries out this summer, all via email. I have received one reply signifying they received my manuscript and to expect to hear more from them within three months. I appreciated knowing my material reached its destination. Another bounced back too quickly with a rejection and I was surprised they could read my query so fast, let alone the work sent with it. That told me I had not sent my work to the right place even after pondering over what they were looking for. The other two I have not heard from at all. I'm hoping they received my work, but I have no sure way of finding out without pestering them and that I will not do. If I don't receive a response within the next few weeks, I will assume they are too busy to send out rejection notices.
The surprising thing, I received a post card, the one I had packed in the snail mail packet. I got it just the other day. It said everything arrived okay. The whole thing made me smile. Yes, that was an expensive reply but I think it was worth it. It felt very human. It was hand written, probably by the receptionist or clerk, but still a human touch that in this cutting edge business renewed by hope for the writing industry.
So as I ponder over more possible publishers/agents, I make a wish. Or maybe it's a prayer. Why can't publishers see that an author is more than just one style of writer. Why can't I find someone who appreciates both genres I write. Life would be a little easier if I could tell publishers I multi-task very easily. Working on a historical in the morning and a sci-fi in the afternoon is no big deal. I do it everyday at home and at work. I work with preschoolers early in the day and teens after school.
If only I could braid these two paths into one! I need an agent who is as versatile as me. Is there anyone out there willing to take a chance? I'd love to know about them! I'd really like to talk to them.
Til next time ~
DL Larson
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Detour to My Guest Post, Please
Please stop by The Book Connection today. I'm over there sharing about the dog who owns me, and the one who owns my heroine in Her Handyman, my new romantic comedy - Here's the link -
Morgan Mandel
Morgan Mandel
Monday, September 17, 2012
Hobbies and Writing, oh my!
Most everyone knows I collect and write about miniatures besides writing fiction and nonfiction.
So a favor to ask everyone:
Today (Monday,9/17) a wonderful miniaturist's hand-sculpted original dollhouse-size doll is up for voting to be considered for the cover of DOLLS Magazine. Love if you'd vote for her!
If you're on Facebook, go to the DOLLS Magazine page and click LIKE under Anna Hardman's Steampunk doll photo and that's it!
As a footnote, the doll is totally hand-sculpted, under 6" tall and is ball-jointed, made with 14 joints. Her creator is also a teacher! See pix and more details on the doll at her website.
So a favor to ask everyone:
Today (Monday,9/17) a wonderful miniaturist's hand-sculpted original dollhouse-size doll is up for voting to be considered for the cover of DOLLS Magazine. Love if you'd vote for her!
If you're on Facebook, go to the DOLLS Magazine page and click LIKE under Anna Hardman's Steampunk doll photo and that's it!
As a footnote, the doll is totally hand-sculpted, under 6" tall and is ball-jointed, made with 14 joints. Her creator is also a teacher! See pix and more details on the doll at her website.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
A Cover!
I had a wonderful 'surprise' in my in-box Friday. Although I've been waiting with bated breath for the cover of An Unexpected Blessing, I never expected it would show up at 8:20 on a Friday night. What a great way to start the weekend! it is...ta da!
And just for fun, here's the blurb, too.
Single Mom Katy Roth thinks life can't get any worse. In the past six months she's been let go at work, had to move back home with her parents, and found out her ex is cutting his child support payment. As Thanksgiving approaches, she finds little to be thankful for in a life that is quickly spinning out of control.
Joe Mason is the town's bad boy. Literally. He's just returned from a four year stint in prison. He wants nothing more than to put the past behind him and get on with his life. He’s had a secret crush on Katy since grade school, but when Katy’s parents hire him to be their handyman, she’s less than thrilled to have him around. But soon, through her young son’s eyes, Katy discovers the good in Joe. As their feelings for one another deepen, small town gossip and prejudice threaten to ruin everything. Will Joe’s past come between them, or will they be able to get beyond it and hold onto a love neither expected?
Still no release date yet, but now that the cover has arrived, a date should follow shortly. I've already approved the galley.
Oh,and I love how the font of the new cover matches the font of my Christmas novella. Great for marketing and branding.
Until next time,
Happy Reading!
Debra it is...ta da!
And just for fun, here's the blurb, too.
Single Mom Katy Roth thinks life can't get any worse. In the past six months she's been let go at work, had to move back home with her parents, and found out her ex is cutting his child support payment. As Thanksgiving approaches, she finds little to be thankful for in a life that is quickly spinning out of control.
Joe Mason is the town's bad boy. Literally. He's just returned from a four year stint in prison. He wants nothing more than to put the past behind him and get on with his life. He’s had a secret crush on Katy since grade school, but when Katy’s parents hire him to be their handyman, she’s less than thrilled to have him around. But soon, through her young son’s eyes, Katy discovers the good in Joe. As their feelings for one another deepen, small town gossip and prejudice threaten to ruin everything. Will Joe’s past come between them, or will they be able to get beyond it and hold onto a love neither expected?
Still no release date yet, but now that the cover has arrived, a date should follow shortly. I've already approved the galley.
Oh,and I love how the font of the new cover matches the font of my Christmas novella. Great for marketing and branding.
Until next time,
Happy Reading!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
The Voices Within by Margot Justes
I've noticed that anytime I do something mundane I hear voices.
Not only voices but dialog, darn good conversations. It used to scare the
proverbial living daylights out of me. Now, I look forward to them because not
only do they wind up in my stories, but they are fun. I like my imaginary
A Hotel in Paris
Hearts & Daggers
Cool Crimes Hot Chicks
It is in essence an escape from reality. I'll be a full time
writer next year and as the saying goes, I have one foot out the door at work. I'm
retiring from my paying job. The thing that I want most is to be able to say to
myself that I'm a full time writer.
Once I've reached that decision and have something that I
truly love waiting for me, there is a sense of freedom. The sameness is slowly
ebbing away, and excitement builds for what's ahead. Now I to want to push the
time forward, but still enjoy the coming holiday season with friends and
I started to think about my brand, visibility in the magic
world of the web-have to connect the Mr. Gore's internet tubes-they seem to be
pretty darn long. I want it set up so that after I retire I'll know what I'm
doing, well, at least know more than I do now. Any progress in that direction
would be an improvement. I'm even thinking of joining the 21st century and get
a smart phone. Next year...first I have to remember to keep the one I have on.
All this electronic connectivity is not my thing. People
can't even enjoy lunch or dinner without their gizmos. Is there something that
is so important that you would text yourself off a cliff, or fall into a well
or get run over? Is it so important that you can't even hold a conversation
with a friend without an electronic interruption? Maybe I'm missing
Margot JustesA Hotel in Paris
Hearts & Daggers
Cool Crimes Hot Chicks
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Are You A Song Writer?
When I'm listening to my favorite music, there's a part of me wondering if I could be a song writer. I enjoy the way the words are put together to tell a story. The repetition of the refrain or chorus sneak into my soul and long after the song has ended, I'm still thinking about it.
Alas, I know I am not a song writer. I don't have what it takes to succeed in this genre. I'm much too long winded and although I love music, putting words to music to form lyrics is not a talent I possess. But I appreciate those who can.
The capacity to put songs and plot together to form a play I find captivating. Going to plays is one of my favorite things. Musicals in particular draw me in and I usually go back for a second and third performance. A few that come to mind are Dirty Dancing, Wicked, Jersey Boys and now Million Dollar Quartet!
My husband and I had the opportunity to see Million Dollar Quartet last weekend. It's showing at the Apollo Theater in Chicago. The premise is an unplanned arrival of four singers at Sam Phillip's record studio called Sun Records in Memphis Tennessee. The year is 1956. If you are familiar with the history of Rock 'n roll, then you might recognize the singers who visited the studio that day. The not yet famous Jerry Lee Lewis starts the play banging on his piano and the audience is drawn into the small studio with Lewis' charm and wit. Soon comes Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and finally Elvis Presley.
The story unfolds through the eyes of Sam Phillips and all the talent he discovered. I throughly enjoyed the play, the talent the characters had in emmulating the four stars and especially the music they played individually and together.
I may never be a songwriter, but listening to music will always be a part of my life. Going to plays and watching performances never grows old. If you're looking for inspiration or wanting an evening of fun, I recommend going to a musical.
Til next time ~
DL Larson
Alas, I know I am not a song writer. I don't have what it takes to succeed in this genre. I'm much too long winded and although I love music, putting words to music to form lyrics is not a talent I possess. But I appreciate those who can.
The capacity to put songs and plot together to form a play I find captivating. Going to plays is one of my favorite things. Musicals in particular draw me in and I usually go back for a second and third performance. A few that come to mind are Dirty Dancing, Wicked, Jersey Boys and now Million Dollar Quartet!
My husband and I had the opportunity to see Million Dollar Quartet last weekend. It's showing at the Apollo Theater in Chicago. The premise is an unplanned arrival of four singers at Sam Phillip's record studio called Sun Records in Memphis Tennessee. The year is 1956. If you are familiar with the history of Rock 'n roll, then you might recognize the singers who visited the studio that day. The not yet famous Jerry Lee Lewis starts the play banging on his piano and the audience is drawn into the small studio with Lewis' charm and wit. Soon comes Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and finally Elvis Presley.
The story unfolds through the eyes of Sam Phillips and all the talent he discovered. I throughly enjoyed the play, the talent the characters had in emmulating the four stars and especially the music they played individually and together.
I may never be a songwriter, but listening to music will always be a part of my life. Going to plays and watching performances never grows old. If you're looking for inspiration or wanting an evening of fun, I recommend going to a musical.
Til next time ~
DL Larson
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Marilyn Meredith Offers Marketing Advice for Authors
Marilyn Meredith is the author of over thirty published novels, including the award winning Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery series, the latest Raging Water from Mundania Press. Writing as F. M. Meredith, her latest Rocky Bluff P.D. crime novel us No Bells, the forth from Oak Tree Press. Marilyn is a member of EPIC, three chapters of Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and on the board of the Public Safety Writers of America.
Visit her at
Follow her blog at
Marilyn borrows a lot from where she lives in the Southern Sierra for the town of Bear Creek and the surrounding area.
Here's What Marilyn Has to Say About Marketing:
Marketing is as Important as Writing the Book
by Marilyn Meredith
Today, some publishers are asking for your marketing plan right along with your query. In fact, I know one publisher who only accepts manuscripts from authors who have strong marketing plans.
So what does this mean for authors? While you’re writing your book you should be thinking about how you plan to market it. As an author who writes for a small press, I do some things differently than an author who is with a New York publisher.
Over the years what works to market your book has changed dramatically. Though there are still writers who are going on book tours, I don’t plan to many regular bookstore stops. I do have a couple of bookstores where I’ll give a talk usually to writers’ groups who meet in the store. So my plan will include scheduling a visit to those stores.
What I’ve found works better, at least for me, when selling books face-to-face, are craft fairs and book festivals. I always keep on the look-out for those and have a couple of regulars I always attend. This fall I’m trying a new festival that’s in the Northern part of the state. At Christmas time, the art gallery in the next town has a craft fair and I’ve been invited to sell my books there.
Libraries can be good venues too. Giving a talk about any aspect of writing is always welcome. Some libraries even sponsor author events.
With every book I plan a book launch in local places. This year, because my latest Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery, Raging Water, is set in the mountain community of Bear Creek which has a strong resemblance to the town I live in, the launch will be held in the Springville Inn. Of course there is a Bear Creek Inn in the book. I plan to serve a cake decorated like the book cover.
One very special aspect of this launch is the fact that someone I based an important character on will be the guest of honor.
Then there’s the online promoting, something that takes a lot of time but is very important. I like to do blog tours for all of my books—and that’s what I’m doing now. I’m always happy when the blog host asks for a particular type of post. Planning your own blog tour is time consuming from finding the blogs that are willing to host you, coming up with a contest that might keep readers moving from blog to blog, and writing something interesting and unique for each blog.
Once the tour begins, it’s up to you—or me, in this case—to let people know where you’re going to be each day and ask them to visit and leave a comment. You can do this on all the listserves you are a member of, and of course on all the social sites you’re a part of like Facebook, etc.
If you have other marketing ideas, do leave them in a comment. And remember, the person who comments on the most blogs during this tour will have a character named for him or her.
About Marilyn's Latest, Raging Water: Deputy Tempe Crabtree’s investigation of the murder of two close friends is complicated when relentless rain turns Bear Creek into a raging river. Homes are inundated and a mud slide blocks the only road out of Bear Creek stranding many—including the murderer.
Contest: The person who leaves comments on the most blogs will have his/her name used for a character in my next book—can choose if you want it in a Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery or a Rocky Bluff P.D. crime novel.
Important SideNote From Marilyn - I know there are some people who like to read a series in order, but let me reassure you that every book is complete. Though the characters grow through each book, the crime is always solved. Here is the order of the books for anyone who wants to know: Deadly Trail, Deadly Omen, Unequally Yoked, Wing Beat, Intervention, Calling the Dead, Judgment Fire, Kindred Spirits, Dispel the Mist, Invisible Path, Bears With Us, Raging Water.
Contest: The person who leaves comments on the most blogs will have his/her name used for a character in Marilyn's next book—can choose if you want it in a Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery or a Rocky Bluff P.D. crime novel.
You Can Visit Marilyn Meredith at her website:
and blog
Please be sure to welcome Marilyn and Leave a Comment!
Visit her at
Follow her blog at
Marilyn borrows a lot from where she lives in the Southern Sierra for the town of Bear Creek and the surrounding area.
Here's What Marilyn Has to Say About Marketing:
Marketing is as Important as Writing the Book
by Marilyn Meredith
Today, some publishers are asking for your marketing plan right along with your query. In fact, I know one publisher who only accepts manuscripts from authors who have strong marketing plans.
So what does this mean for authors? While you’re writing your book you should be thinking about how you plan to market it. As an author who writes for a small press, I do some things differently than an author who is with a New York publisher.
Over the years what works to market your book has changed dramatically. Though there are still writers who are going on book tours, I don’t plan to many regular bookstore stops. I do have a couple of bookstores where I’ll give a talk usually to writers’ groups who meet in the store. So my plan will include scheduling a visit to those stores.
What I’ve found works better, at least for me, when selling books face-to-face, are craft fairs and book festivals. I always keep on the look-out for those and have a couple of regulars I always attend. This fall I’m trying a new festival that’s in the Northern part of the state. At Christmas time, the art gallery in the next town has a craft fair and I’ve been invited to sell my books there.
Libraries can be good venues too. Giving a talk about any aspect of writing is always welcome. Some libraries even sponsor author events.
With every book I plan a book launch in local places. This year, because my latest Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery, Raging Water, is set in the mountain community of Bear Creek which has a strong resemblance to the town I live in, the launch will be held in the Springville Inn. Of course there is a Bear Creek Inn in the book. I plan to serve a cake decorated like the book cover.
One very special aspect of this launch is the fact that someone I based an important character on will be the guest of honor.
Then there’s the online promoting, something that takes a lot of time but is very important. I like to do blog tours for all of my books—and that’s what I’m doing now. I’m always happy when the blog host asks for a particular type of post. Planning your own blog tour is time consuming from finding the blogs that are willing to host you, coming up with a contest that might keep readers moving from blog to blog, and writing something interesting and unique for each blog.
Once the tour begins, it’s up to you—or me, in this case—to let people know where you’re going to be each day and ask them to visit and leave a comment. You can do this on all the listserves you are a member of, and of course on all the social sites you’re a part of like Facebook, etc.
If you have other marketing ideas, do leave them in a comment. And remember, the person who comments on the most blogs during this tour will have a character named for him or her.
About Marilyn's Latest, Raging Water: Deputy Tempe Crabtree’s investigation of the murder of two close friends is complicated when relentless rain turns Bear Creek into a raging river. Homes are inundated and a mud slide blocks the only road out of Bear Creek stranding many—including the murderer.
Contest: The person who leaves comments on the most blogs will have his/her name used for a character in my next book—can choose if you want it in a Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery or a Rocky Bluff P.D. crime novel.
Important SideNote From Marilyn - I know there are some people who like to read a series in order, but let me reassure you that every book is complete. Though the characters grow through each book, the crime is always solved. Here is the order of the books for anyone who wants to know: Deadly Trail, Deadly Omen, Unequally Yoked, Wing Beat, Intervention, Calling the Dead, Judgment Fire, Kindred Spirits, Dispel the Mist, Invisible Path, Bears With Us, Raging Water.
Contest: The person who leaves comments on the most blogs will have his/her name used for a character in Marilyn's next book—can choose if you want it in a Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery or a Rocky Bluff P.D. crime novel.
You Can Visit Marilyn Meredith at her website:
and blog
Please be sure to welcome Marilyn and Leave a Comment!
Monday, September 10, 2012
New Mystery and Romance Ebook Releases....
Several authors have interesting new releases this week that I thought I'd share, including our own Morgan Mandel!

* Morgan Mandel has a new romance! HER HANDYMAN is a novella-length romantic comedy (Kindle), with a dash of the serious. Throw a crazy canine, a handyman, and an artist together and you've got mayhem! Who'd guess it's Jake, the handyman, who needs rescuing when he answers a call by the distraught artist, Zoe, to stop a toilet flood begun by her crazy canine, FuFu? Jake's engaged to a sexy, perfect woman, and she's even a great cook! There's no room in his life for a quirky, rich artist, who eats raw vegetables and probably can't even boil an egg -- or is there?
* Deb Baker has a new Gertie short out. In MURDER BEGINS AT HOME, A Gertie Johnson Murder Mystery, (Kindle) (Gertie Johnson has her hands full with her wily ninety-two-year-old mother-in-law, who is writing a secret guide to controlling husbands and using local stories as examples.
When an old-timer goes missing and winds up right next to a dead body with the murder weapon clutched in his fist, The Trouble Busters spring into action. Before this investigation is over, Gertie will have a few behind-the-scenes relationship stories of her own. She doesn’t know it yet, but living to tell them is going to be the tricky part.

* Author couple Jim and Joyce Lavene also has an interesting new entry in their Renaissance Faire mystery series. How can you beat toys and the Ren Faire? In TREACHEROUS TOYS, (Kindle and paperback), Jessie Morton finally gets her holiday dream job at Renaissance Faire Village, working as an apprentice to the new toy maker. But when Chris Christmas is discovered dead just hours after her arrival, Jessie’s holiday plans start to melt away.
Jessie can’t imagine who would want to silence the toy maker, but apparently the red-cheeked Chris Christmas liked toying with the ladies. Although it may be her shortest apprenticeship ever, she wants to unwrap the truth before word gets out in the village that it’s not safe to be Santa—or one of his helpers…
* And something fun: sign up for Tor’s newsletter and be entered to win a graphic novel collection here.

* Morgan Mandel has a new romance! HER HANDYMAN is a novella-length romantic comedy (Kindle), with a dash of the serious. Throw a crazy canine, a handyman, and an artist together and you've got mayhem! Who'd guess it's Jake, the handyman, who needs rescuing when he answers a call by the distraught artist, Zoe, to stop a toilet flood begun by her crazy canine, FuFu? Jake's engaged to a sexy, perfect woman, and she's even a great cook! There's no room in his life for a quirky, rich artist, who eats raw vegetables and probably can't even boil an egg -- or is there?

When an old-timer goes missing and winds up right next to a dead body with the murder weapon clutched in his fist, The Trouble Busters spring into action. Before this investigation is over, Gertie will have a few behind-the-scenes relationship stories of her own. She doesn’t know it yet, but living to tell them is going to be the tricky part.

* Author couple Jim and Joyce Lavene also has an interesting new entry in their Renaissance Faire mystery series. How can you beat toys and the Ren Faire? In TREACHEROUS TOYS, (Kindle and paperback), Jessie Morton finally gets her holiday dream job at Renaissance Faire Village, working as an apprentice to the new toy maker. But when Chris Christmas is discovered dead just hours after her arrival, Jessie’s holiday plans start to melt away.
Jessie can’t imagine who would want to silence the toy maker, but apparently the red-cheeked Chris Christmas liked toying with the ladies. Although it may be her shortest apprenticeship ever, she wants to unwrap the truth before word gets out in the village that it’s not safe to be Santa—or one of his helpers…
* And something fun: sign up for Tor’s newsletter and be entered to win a graphic novel collection here.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
One Thing Leads to Another
Last winter was a mild one. Not much snow. Temps never really falling below zero. Then we had an early Spring. Which seemed good at the time, but perhaps did more 'harm' than good looking back. It was a record breaking hot, dry summer. My garden really took a hit. And now we're heading into fall. Right now we don't know exactly what these weather patterns will do with this season.
But already things are effected. We usually go apple picking in late September. Most places are already saying there won't be any 'pick your own' due to limited crops. My hubby read that come winter, live Christmas trees will be in short supply.
It's interesting how something that began months ago is effecting now. One thing leads to another and events you thought weren't connected turn out to be.
That's an important thing to keep in mind when writing. Every sentence drives the plot forward and has a purpose. Even minor details can become important later...because you make them that way. As a self-proclaimed pantster, it's not always easy to plant those details to make those connections later on. Mostly because I don't always know what's coming later on. I've gotten better though. With my last novella I had a pretty extensive outline/synopsis I was working from. Even without an outline, before starting a book I have a pretty good idea of how it's going to end. The fun then is getting from start to finish. Sometimes I don't know which way my characters are going to take me. But in the end, all of those little details have been connected and they help my hero and heroine get through their conflict to find their happily ever after.
Until next time,
Happy Reading!
But already things are effected. We usually go apple picking in late September. Most places are already saying there won't be any 'pick your own' due to limited crops. My hubby read that come winter, live Christmas trees will be in short supply.
It's interesting how something that began months ago is effecting now. One thing leads to another and events you thought weren't connected turn out to be.
That's an important thing to keep in mind when writing. Every sentence drives the plot forward and has a purpose. Even minor details can become important later...because you make them that way. As a self-proclaimed pantster, it's not always easy to plant those details to make those connections later on. Mostly because I don't always know what's coming later on. I've gotten better though. With my last novella I had a pretty extensive outline/synopsis I was working from. Even without an outline, before starting a book I have a pretty good idea of how it's going to end. The fun then is getting from start to finish. Sometimes I don't know which way my characters are going to take me. But in the end, all of those little details have been connected and they help my hero and heroine get through their conflict to find their happily ever after.
Until next time,
Happy Reading!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Another da Vinci by Margot Justes
Leonardo da Vinci was in the news again. It is amazing how
frequently he's made headlines, well at least in the art world. Yahoo News
claims a Scottish farmhouse was the recent venue for the discovery. The value
of the painting could be upwards of 150 million dollars. Leonardo has indeed
survived centuries and through his work became immortal.
According to the Daily Mail, it is believed to be a painting
of Mary Magdalene holding a child. If it is not an original da Vinci, it most
probably is from his school, maybe one of the master's students. Further analysis
and tests are being performed at Cambridge University and the Hamilton Kerr Institute.
I wonder why the recent rash of discoveries of his work?
There was the article about the metal casting of a sculpture. The hunt for the
grave of the Mona Lisa? Who was she? Was it his lover in the portrait? Or maybe
bits and pieces of his lover blended in the Mona Lisa work? When you think about
it, new discoveries are being made about him as an artist, as a man and as an
immortal. In his time he drew things that were beyond the scope of imagination for
mere mortals. In a century where industrially we were just beginning to walk,
he had us flying.
In this century we are captivated by his vast talent and the
things he foresaw.
I'm fascinated by all things da Vinci. He plays a prominent
role in my paranormal romance because I find him to be an incredible talent
whose myth grows larger than life with every new discovery. Every new whisper.
As if what already existed wasn't enough.
The new discoveries just add substance and depth to an
incredible existence.
Margot Justes
A Hotel in Paris
Hearts & Daggers
Cool Crimes Hot Chicks
www.mjustes.comThursday, September 6, 2012
Going To The Fair! by DL Larson
The 125th Sandwich Fair started yesterday. My husband and I plan to spend most of the day there today. Sandwich is about 70 miles southwest of Chicago and one of the biggest fairs in Illinois. It's a great mesh of country meets the city. The aisles and buildings are full of crafts, food vendors, clothing vendors, home businesses, farm animals, farm machinery from many eras, plus the regular carnival rides and booths.
Many local folks visit on Thursday and Friday before the mass of city folk flood the streets on the weekend. The varied shows are affordable and can be purchased beforehand or usually the day of the event.
Some of my favorite things are:
- fresh, homemade cinnamon rolls
- lemonade shake-up
- visiting the rabbit tent
- taking a ride on the steam engine train
- funnel cake
- seeing the homegrown produce - the giant pumpkins!
- visiting with friends we see at the fair
- Faye's porkchops
- watching the sheep dogs herd their animals
- going to the concert on Friday night
I could go on and on. The fair is shaded by many large trees, so there is always a place to get out of the sun's heat and plenty of benches to simply sit and rest. And that brings me to why it's so fun to attend the fair. As a writer, I love to people watch! I can gather in ideas like a kid licking an icecream cone. I've written ideas down on many occassions so I don't forget exactly what it was that caught my eye.
If anyone is looking for something to do this weekend, come on out to the Sandwich Fair. It's a lovely time of year and I guarantee there is plenty to do.
Til next time ~
DL Larson
Many local folks visit on Thursday and Friday before the mass of city folk flood the streets on the weekend. The varied shows are affordable and can be purchased beforehand or usually the day of the event.
Some of my favorite things are:
- fresh, homemade cinnamon rolls
- lemonade shake-up
- visiting the rabbit tent
- taking a ride on the steam engine train
- funnel cake
- seeing the homegrown produce - the giant pumpkins!
- visiting with friends we see at the fair
- Faye's porkchops
- watching the sheep dogs herd their animals
- going to the concert on Friday night
I could go on and on. The fair is shaded by many large trees, so there is always a place to get out of the sun's heat and plenty of benches to simply sit and rest. And that brings me to why it's so fun to attend the fair. As a writer, I love to people watch! I can gather in ideas like a kid licking an icecream cone. I've written ideas down on many occassions so I don't forget exactly what it was that caught my eye.
If anyone is looking for something to do this weekend, come on out to the Sandwich Fair. It's a lovely time of year and I guarantee there is plenty to do.
Til next time ~
DL Larson
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Fortune Hunt by Morgan Mandel
Some of you ladies may not relate to this. You're the perfectly organized ones, with spotless homes, and always put everything in its place. You'd never think of changing purses without completely emptying the first purse before using the next.
I feel sorry for you, because you're missing out on playing the Fortune Hunt.
Here's how you play it. When you change purses, you don't empty the first one completely. In your hurry to get the next purse ready, you leave stray items inside the first: receipts, shopping lists, paper money, especially singles, and a bit of change.
Then you forget about using that first purse, or decide you just don't like it as much. You don't throw it away. You put it in the closet. Well, this goes on with more than one set of purses, because, let's face it, if you love purses as I do, you'll have plenty to play the game with.
Now comes the really fun part. When you need money, you go on the Fortune Hunt. I went on one this morning and found sixty dollars in my purses, plus eight dollars in change laying around my desk in singles and change! I'll use it all on my next vacation.
A little something of how this ties in with books. It just so happens that Zoe, the heroine in my upcoming romantic comedy release, Her Handyman, is also not a neatnick. She's an artist, and is more caught up with painting than inessentials. Well, she doesn't have to go on a Fortune Hunt, because she's got tons of money, but at least I admire where her heart is, with her passion, not stuff that doesn't matter as much.
Her Handyman Coming Soon to Kindle!
Morgan's Amazon Author Page:
Find Links to Morgan's Books for other formats at
![]() |
After my Fortune Hunt, I was happier than she is! |
Some of you ladies may not relate to this. You're the perfectly organized ones, with spotless homes, and always put everything in its place. You'd never think of changing purses without completely emptying the first purse before using the next.
I feel sorry for you, because you're missing out on playing the Fortune Hunt.
Here's how you play it. When you change purses, you don't empty the first one completely. In your hurry to get the next purse ready, you leave stray items inside the first: receipts, shopping lists, paper money, especially singles, and a bit of change.
Then you forget about using that first purse, or decide you just don't like it as much. You don't throw it away. You put it in the closet. Well, this goes on with more than one set of purses, because, let's face it, if you love purses as I do, you'll have plenty to play the game with.
Now comes the really fun part. When you need money, you go on the Fortune Hunt. I went on one this morning and found sixty dollars in my purses, plus eight dollars in change laying around my desk in singles and change! I'll use it all on my next vacation.
A little something of how this ties in with books. It just so happens that Zoe, the heroine in my upcoming romantic comedy release, Her Handyman, is also not a neatnick. She's an artist, and is more caught up with painting than inessentials. Well, she doesn't have to go on a Fortune Hunt, because she's got tons of money, but at least I admire where her heart is, with her passion, not stuff that doesn't matter as much.
Her Handyman Coming Soon to Kindle!
Morgan's Amazon Author Page:
Find Links to Morgan's Books for other formats at
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Back in the Swing
This past week was my first full week back to work after summer vacation...and it's taking some getting used to. Don't get me wrong. I love my job. But after a summer of sleeping in and having no definite plans most days, it's been tough to get back into the mind set of getting up early and needing to be someplace at a certain time. And then stay there all day.
It didn't help that the evenings were busy, too. I've been working my way through the stages of a root canal over the past month and had an appointment on Monday (two hours long!) to get the new crown fitted. My allergies have been acting up and I had a follow up appointment with my eye doc on Friday. Tuesday it was the sport therapist for a shoulder injury. Wednesday it was a meeting. And Thursday was dinner and a viewing of "Hell's Kitchen" at friends' house.
So far the long weekend has been wonderful. Yesterday I finished my chores: bank, picking up Market Day, cleaning the bathrooms and the kitchen, and starting the laundry by 9:30. The rest of the day I used for much needed rest and relaxation. I finished reading one book, began and finished another, and started a third. In between I even had time for a nap and the hubby and I watched a movie after dinner. The plans for today and tomorrow are similar.
In addition to being tired, what's suffered the most this week is my writing routine. In that I didn't do any. In fact, I barely glanced at e-mails and blogs. Something had to give, and it was the writing that did.
But I'll get back on track. As soon as the newness of a new school year wears off, I'll be able to concentrate and find time to write. And who knows? Maybe somewhere along the line my hero or heroine will need a root canal, suffer from allergies, or need some sports therapy. In that case, I can chalk this past week up to research!
Until next time,
Happy Reading!
It didn't help that the evenings were busy, too. I've been working my way through the stages of a root canal over the past month and had an appointment on Monday (two hours long!) to get the new crown fitted. My allergies have been acting up and I had a follow up appointment with my eye doc on Friday. Tuesday it was the sport therapist for a shoulder injury. Wednesday it was a meeting. And Thursday was dinner and a viewing of "Hell's Kitchen" at friends' house.
So far the long weekend has been wonderful. Yesterday I finished my chores: bank, picking up Market Day, cleaning the bathrooms and the kitchen, and starting the laundry by 9:30. The rest of the day I used for much needed rest and relaxation. I finished reading one book, began and finished another, and started a third. In between I even had time for a nap and the hubby and I watched a movie after dinner. The plans for today and tomorrow are similar.
In addition to being tired, what's suffered the most this week is my writing routine. In that I didn't do any. In fact, I barely glanced at e-mails and blogs. Something had to give, and it was the writing that did.
But I'll get back on track. As soon as the newness of a new school year wears off, I'll be able to concentrate and find time to write. And who knows? Maybe somewhere along the line my hero or heroine will need a root canal, suffer from allergies, or need some sports therapy. In that case, I can chalk this past week up to research!
Until next time,
Happy Reading!
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