Monday, May 21, 2012

Take a Break from Writing.... Peek into a bird nest...

Writers work too hard. Here's a neat little diversion - check out the progress of the baby Peregrine Falcons in their nest on top of a Wisconsin power plant.... See webcam.

The correlation to writing? Of course there is one! In one week, these birds have doubled in size. Hopefully we see that same kind of progress as we work on our latest project - seeing it improve, grow and move towards perfection!


Romance, She Wrote said...

Thanks Christine for posting. They are so peaceful to look at it.

The analogy is right on for me, as I've been receiving more and more critique over my work the last couple of weeks, some of it constructive, some not so.

I know that perfection comes with time and practice and as such I'm taking the necessary measures to excel at my writing.

Thanks again!

Morgan Mandel said...

I'd be happy with any progress at all!

Morgan Mandel

CA Verstraete said...

yes to both of you. Think we all need a respite!