Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Digital is all the buzz at BEA

I found the coverage of the Book Expo America (BEA) this year to be very telling. There's much discussion about digital content veruses the traditional book format that most of us grew up with. Perhaps this is a knee-jerk reaction to the drop in sales, but perhaps this is just keeping up with the changing times.

For years, the traditional publishing industry has resisted electronic delivery of books and other written material because it just didn't fit within their business model. I'm beginning to think that this stance is becoming more and more difficult to maintain, especially given the current economic climate. BUT I strongly maintain that the generations coming up are having a profound impact on how writers deliver their stories and other written products to their audiences.

One of the shouts at the BEA to the publishing world is don't be like the music industry. Here's the link to this reference:


Again, the generations coming up demanded change to how their music is delivered and they have enough buying power to have a voice.

The quesiton is - how well will the publishing industry or those of us who write, listen?

The next few years will be very interesting indeed.


Lynda O'Connor said...

We also went to BEA and were surprised that so much attention was given to social media and its importance. Our public relations firm specializes in books and authors, so we have to keep up with the best way to promote books. We are working with Linkedin and Facebook enhancing authors' profiles and getting them linked to other sites. The internet PR supplements traditional publicity like radio, TV, newspapers and magazines. www.oconnorpr.com will give you more info. Authors have many places today to get the word out about their books.

Deb Larson said...

Thanks for keeping us informed!
Good blog ~
DL Larson