Thursday, November 6, 2008

Take a Chance! by DL Larson

The unusually warm Chicagoland weather has had me itching to play hooky; more than once I felt the urge to stretch out in a lawn chair to read a good book. Too bad my husband put away our patio furniture for the winter. And today, my day off, it's raining! So back to work it is...

When sifting through my few writer's magazines, I noticed several contest deadlines approaching. I know I've mentioned entering contests before, and I'm nudging you again to give it a try.

Here's a few to consider:

~ Silicone Valley RWA's 11th Annual GOTCHA contest
all entries are electronic
It's all about the Hook!
first 15 pages
deadline: Nov. 12, 5:00 pm, PST for details and entry form

~ 2009 Linda Howard Award of Excellence
sponsor: Southern Magic, Inc.
electronic deadline: Nov. 22, 2008
http://www.southern - for more details

~ Oklahoma RWA
National Reader' Choice Awards 2008
Deadline: DEc. 1, 2008 - for more infomation

~ North Texas RWA
Great Expectations 2009
Deadline: Dec. 28, 2008 - for more information

Already have a book, try one of these:

~ Colorado Romance Writers
Award of Excellence 2009
Entry: your novel
Deadline: January 9, 2009> - for more information
(many have copyright specifications)

~ Phoenix Desert Rose RWA
Golden Quill 2009: published - romance novels
Deadline: January 9, 2009>. - for more information

~ Orange County Chapter
Book Buyers' Best (BBB) Award
Romance novels
Deadline: January 10, 2009>. for more information

In most cases, if you type in the name of the RWA chapter, you will arrive at their home page and can navigate from there to the contest info pages. All entries
have a fee, from $20-30 per entry. But what a good way to invest in your writing career. Most contest judges give feedback on the work they have read. It's a valuable tool and you may learn something others were reluctant to tell you. Or, the better scenario, you may win.

That reminds me of the old story where a man was desperate to win the lotto. Every day he'd check the papers, watch the news for that minute when the numbers flashed. Every day he was disappointed, despondent even. He'd never win. God finally came to him and said, "meet me half way! Buy a ticket!"

Til next time !

DL Larson

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Too Funny that you have to put your patio furniture away for the winter. Here in Southern California in the land of perpetual sunshine we use our patio furniture everyday. Love the blog.