Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break Goal List's that wonderful time of year when I get to leave my classroom behind for a week and enjoy a little time away from school in the real world. Of course in the real world, things still need to get done, so here's my goal list for the upcoming week. (Some goals are writing related, some are not.)

* Write everyday. I need to get back to my WIP which is the third in my series for Wild Rose. I'd taken a little break from this to finish a Christmas novella I had an idea for. (As a sidenote, the novella manuscript was just requested by an editor at TWRP, so keep your fingers crossed!)

* Finish my 'Birthday at Disney' scrapbook. We took this trip two years ago.

* Do my taxes. Promised myself I'd get them done in February. Ooops.

* Organize my sock drawer. Exciting stuff, I know, but seriously, it's a disaster in there.

* Spend some quality time with a friend. By quality I mean watch a movie featuring Edward, our favorite vampire.

* Tweak my website. I want to add some pictures and such.

* Get my nails done and get a haircut.

* Finish judging contest entries for my RWA chapter's contest.

So, that's that. I have a week to get it all done. Stay tuned next week to find out how well I did.

Until next time,

Happy Reading!


1 comment:

Morgan Mandel said...

Oops - I need to organize my sock drawer, plus many other drawers in my dresser, not to mention my linen closet.

Thanks for the reminder.

Morgan Mandel