Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Beginning

Happy New Year!

My mom has a theory that whatever you spent a lot of time doing on New Year's Day each year, you'll spend a lot of time doing throughout the course of the coming year. So yesterday, I made sure I did a little bit of all my favorite things!

I did a little scrapbooking. I am way behind, so this is something I really want to get caught up on in 2011.

I read. Always a priority. At the moment I literally have a stack of to-be-reads...which isn't a bad thing! A little thrill of anticipation runs through me whenever I look at the pile. Choosing what to read next is always a challenge!

I watched tv with my hubby. One of my favorite things to do is cuddling up on the couch with my hubby and watching a movie. Yesterday we had a mini-marathon of "True Blood" Season 3. We got through the first three episodes on-demand. We'll finish up this week. (I am Team Eric all the way!)

I took a little nap. Nothing like curling up on the couch in the middle of the day for a little refresher.

I wrote. I've been off work for the past two weeks, and I made a goal for myself to write every day. With the exception of Christmas Eve and Day, I've stuck to that goal. I'm about 1/3 of the way through a manuscript I'd like to finish this summer.

(We also took down and put away all of the Christmas decorations. Now, as that's not something I'm planning on doing a whole lot of in the next year, we'll just put that under the broad category of home improvements and keeping the house neat, clean, and organized.)

So those are some of the things I plan on doing a lot of in 2011. How about you? What's on your agenda as we start the new year?

Until next time,

Happy Reading!


1 comment:

Morgan Mandel said...

My Goals:
Finding a job I like.
Getting my works in progress finished, or at least one of them.
Getting the house in better shape.
Losing some weight.

Those are just for starters. I'm sure I'll think up more as I go along.

Morgan Mandel