Thursday, January 31, 2013

What's Next in the Publishing Process? by DL Larson

Last week I wrote about stepping into the self-publishing world and that I have decided to venture into this new era of promoting my own work.  The stress level is still high, but I am gaining my feet as I go. 

I've signed a contract, sent in my material and paid my fee.  The company I'm going with has been in contact with me several times this week, via phone and email.  Perhaps they sensed my hesitation or maybe this is standard procedure for them, but I really enjoy working with this company and their workers.  So far anyway!

They gave me homework.

I'm not usually too surprised by things, but this had me smiling and nodding.  Yes, I need to create my own PR.  I will be visiting many websites this week to see what I need in order to promote my book.  I will follow their detailed steps and see where it leads. 

Then I was given more homework.

Wow!  Okay, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, as if I'm taking an on-line class and coming in late.  But I can do this.  My previous instructions were to look at book covers and see what I favored for my own next book cover.  I went to Amazon and scrolled through hundreds of books, picked a few layouts and designs, jotted down the ISBNs, copied and pasted the cover and sent them my list.  That was a good start, but vague they replied, thus the added homework.

Now I have a new place to visit.  I don't have to buy any photos or designs, just look through and jot down the images I would want on my book.  Once the book cover designers have a better understanding of what I want, they will work to pull my "likes" together to make my cover.

I spent several hours this morning pouring over photos and jotting down what intrigued me.  I narrowed my search, to specific things.  So far I've found steamboats, country settings, but no people.  I will continue my search tomorrow. 

I want to remind everyone I bypassed the editing process in this endeavor.  I had already had my manuscript professionally edited and didn't feel it needed more.  If you are contemplating self-publishing, please do NOT skip this step.  A polished manuscript is the goal no matter which direction a writer takes toward publishing.

Next week, I'll share how the PR and book cover shopping developed.

And, please, if you have gone down this road before, share with us so we writers can better understand this unique way of publishing.  Share your good or bad experiences. We want to hear it all!

Til next time ~

DL Larson


Morgan Mandel said...

Sounds exciting! By all means keep us informed!

Morgan Mandel

Debra St. John said...

Sounds like things are coming along.

I'm confused on one point though, if you are self-publishing, whom are you paying? Maybe I'm just confused by the terms. I thought self-publishing was when you had to do all of that stuff (covers, etc.) on your own.

Deb Larson said...

I've opted to use a publishing firm for writers. It's a lot like POD, I think. Each writer has different options they can chose to make their own special package. If I self-pubbed on my own, I would still put out a great deal of cash with no help. I decided why re-invent the wheel when I don't know anything about making a book. So I chose to have this company make it for me. I want to make sure everything is professionally done.
Maybe it's me who is using the wrong terms... it feels like self-publishing to me.
Hope that makes sense to everyone.
DL Larson