Monday, January 7, 2013

New blog, new reading challenge, zombies, that is....

With my YA book, GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie coming out this year, I started up  a new blog with several other authors, GirlZombieAuthors about what else, but zombies, horror and other spooky stuff. Yes I have a dark side. And I'm letting it out... ha!

Stop by and say hi. And if your're at all curious, I've joined the Zombie Reading Challenge at BookChickCity. Check it out.


Morgan Mandel said...

I'll need to go over and check out those Zombie Girls!

Morgan Mandel

Deb Larson said...

I just finished reading "The Forest of Hands and Teeth," by Carrie Ryan for my YA book Club at the library. I'm not a zombie fan, but enjoyed the storyline. I'll be sure to tell our members about your new site.
DL Larson

Margot Justes said...

I'll check out the Zombies!