Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Forgotten War

As generations go by it's easy to forget about the struggles and conflicts of previous generations but for those who fought in the Korean War (or conflict) the forgotten part arrived in some cases even before they came home.

Well, less than two weeks ago my local community, through the hard work of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), held a ceremony that brought tears to grown men's eyes.

As writers, we hunger to capture the emotions that help communicate the energy of a story to our readers. As I sat through this ceremony the energy of the presentations, dedications and kinship shared that day were exactly what writers try to capture.

We also need to get our historical research as correct as we can, especially for something as important as a war where many heroes have given so much. To this end I want to share some links to sites that can help put your research on the Korean War in perspective.

Korean War National Museum


Korean Consulate, Chicago


Korean War Timeline



Other useful links:




Morgan Mandel said...

Thanks, Terri,
None of our brave men should be forgotten from any war.

Morgan Mandel

Deb Larson said...

What a wonderful tribute to these men. Thanks for sharing this information.
DL Larson