Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I'm Still Here

Just a short note to let you know I'm still here! I've been busy editing Blessing or Curse in its entirety, as well as the short stories separately.

Wouldn't you know it, someone mentioned I should call the combination version a Collection, instead of Anthology, since the stories are all done by the same author.

Apparently, that's the more accepted version, so today was spent changing all instances, including covers, to Collection instead of Anthology, not an easy task. Fortunately, the main book did not say either one, so I didn't have to ask my illustrator to change it. The others I did through Amazon's Cover Creator. Once it dawned on me how to make the change, it wasn't that difficult.

Then, I was back to editing the fifth and final short story, and got halfway done.
After that, I'm figuring out how to do a Table of Contents.

Still hoping for a release of the bunch by the end of the week or beginning of the next, depending on how long it takes to figure out that Table of Contents.

Morgan Mandel


Twitter: @MorganMandel


Debra St. John said...

Hmn...I never would have thought of that! Isn't a good thing there are others out there to help us on our author journey?!

Margot Justes said...

That is a process, but you're lucky you know what you're doing.

Deb Larson said...

This is coming together great! And I like the word 'collection' too!