Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Perspective by Morgan Mandel

Morgan Mandel Too Many Years Ago
 As a child, everything and everyone looked big to me. Then I grew older, and the world appeared normal-sized.

When I was growing up, I used to live next to a park. It seemed like an ideal location, because I could play on the monkey bars and making pretend cakes in the sand. Now, I'm glad the park in our neighborhood is a few blocks away, so I don't have to worry about the noise, or the older kids who hang around there at night.

Then there's the matter of age. Wow, 30 used to be awfully old, and 70 was ancient. Now I'm twice 30, so 70 is getting closer and not as old as before.

When it's winter and I'm freezing, 60 degrees seems warm. During summer, 60 degrees feels cool.

I used to work in Downtown Chicago, and thought nothing of joining the herds of commuters who got on the train, then off to march down the street to offices and other places of employment.
Now I'm retired, and going Downtown seems a big deal. Not only that, I wonder how I could have put up with all those people all over the place, getting in my way.

There are countless other examples I could give, but you get the picture. When crafting your characters, take into consideration such factors as age, physical characteristics, background, environment, and family.The more layers you can add  to round out your characters, the more their perspectives will make sense to the reader.

Morgan Mandel writes romances, thrillers and mysteries. Her current release is the romantic thriller, Forever Young: Blessing or Curse on kindle at and Print at

For Excerpts and Buy Links to Morgan's 4 books, available on all electronic medica, go to


Maryannwrites said...

It is interesting how things chance as our perspective changes. I remember a place near my grandmother's house in West Virginia that had a small canyon. Of course, when I was a kid, I thought it was the Grand Canyon. Went back as an adult and it was hardly bigger than an arroyo. LOL

Helen Ginger said...

Very good advice, Morgan. We tend to put our own viewpoint onto characters.

Leslea said...

Such a cute pic.

I love writing characters unlike me. It is telling when an editor or reader assumes I am the character in a story.

I guess being a journalist was great practice, in that regard. No one assumed I was a convicted murderer just because I interviewed one.

Telling stories is just that!

Cheryl said...

Excellent post, Morgan. I didn't use to mind driving in the snow when I was younger, but now, if I can, I stay home when the flakes are falling.

Morgan Mandel said...

Yes, age does change our perspective quite a bit!

Morgan Mandel

Morgan Mandel said...

Glad you like my pic. I freelanced for the Daily Herald newspaper in our area for about 2 years, which was totally different than fiction, since I had to be objective. That was at least 7 years ago. Since then, I've noticed journalism likes objectivity.

Morgan Mandel

Anonymous said...

Man, now I feel old. But what an excellent post. Lots of grist for the mill. Never ceases to amaze me how age so slowly saps the vigors of youth, but equally replaces that loss with gains in experience which leads to wisdom.

Morgan Mandel said...

I would like to think I've gained some wisdom over the years!

Morgan Mandel

Maggie Toussaint said...

I'm always amazed at how years affects my perspective. As a kid, I used to gaze up at the stained glass window over the altar in my church. The image was so high I thought sure it was the heavens. Nowadays, I know I could touch it - with a ladder!