Sunday, November 15, 2009

Catching Up

Remember last week when I said I was under the weather and thought I might be coming down with something? Well, I came down with something all right. I spent the better part of last week in bed with the flu. Not fun. Not fun at all.

So this weekend has been somewhat of a catching up time for me. I've been trying to catch up on household chores that have been neglected. (This includes all of the extra loads of laundry to be done in order to purge the germs from the house.) I've been trying to catch up on paperwork from school (I think I have about a million assignments to grade!) And I've been catching up on e-mail.

It's amazing to me how much e-mail comes in and goes out of my box on a daily basis. I guess I never really realize it until I go several days without checking it. Then the number in my inbox astounds me. (Talk about "You've got mail.") Some of it is junk and can simply be deleted without even a read-through. Other messages need to be at least skimmed to make sure I didn't miss anything vital. And then there are those that need immediate attention. (Or as immediate as it's going to get after four days.) The internet certainly has changed the way we do business, communicate, live...

Too bad it can't do the laundry.

On that note, I need to run. The washing machine is calling. (But my inbox is empty, for now, so that's a good thing.)

Until next time,

Happy Reading!


1 comment:

Morgan Mandel said...

I'm glad you're feeling better, Deb. The flue is a rotten experience.

Morgan Mandel